65-189c. Subdivider to submit engineering study and sanitation plan; review and approval; information required in instrument of conveyance; construction and use of buildings and facilities; sanitation
65-189c. Subdivider to submit engineering study and sanitation plan;review and approval; information required in instrument of conveyance;construction and use of buildings and facilities; sanitation plan andconstruction of water and sewage systems required; review and approval ofplans; appeals.Whenever regulations establishing sanitation zones and providing for thecontrol of sanitation therein shall have been adopted under the provisionsof this act: (a) The owner or owners of any land located within such zoneproposing to subdivide any land providing one or more lots shall submit apreliminary engineering study and sanitation plan for all such lots withthe proposed plat to the reservoir sanitation officer of the county inwhich the land is located. If the sanitation plan contains plans for asewage system or a water supply to serve two or more lots or services, thereservoir sanitation officer shall submit the preliminary engineering studyand sanitation plan to the secretary of health and environment for reviewand approval prior to his approval. The board of county commissioners ofthe county in which the proposed plat is located shall not approve the platuntil approval of the sanitation plan related thereto is received from thereservoir sanitation officer.
(b) The owner or owners of any lot located within such zone proposing tosell such lot, either by deed or contract, shall provide in the legalinstrument or instruments information to the effect that such lot islocated in a specific sanitation zone and that prior to construction of anybuilding structure or facilities thereon a sanitation plan for watersupply, sewage, and refuse disposal facilities meeting the standards of thesecretary's rules and regulations must be submitted to and approved by thereservoir sanitation officer of the specific county in which the lot islocated.
(c) The owner or owners of any lot located within such zone proposing toconstruct a building, structure or facility on such lot shall, prior tostarting such construction, obtain the approval of the reservoir sanitationofficer of the sanitation plan for the proposed use of such lot. Suchbuilding structure or facility shall not be occupied or used for anypurpose until such approved water and sewage systems have been completed,inspected and approved by the reservoir sanitation officer as being inaccordance with the approved sanitation plan. If the sanitation plan is fora sewage system or a water supply serving two or more lots or services suchsanitation plan shall not be approved by the reservoir sanitation officeruntil it has first been approved by the secretary.
The reservoir sanitation officer shall determine if sanitation plans forthe proposed subdividing of land or constructing of building structures orfacilities submitted to him for septic tank systems, sewage holding tanksor individual water supply systems comply with the standards established bythe rules and regulations of the secretary of health and environment. Ifthe plan does comply with such standards such fact shall be endorsedthereon. The reservoir sanitation officer prior to his approval ofsanitation plans for the proposed subdividing of land or constructing ofbuilding structures or facilities submitted to him for a sewage system orfor a water supply to serve two or more lots or services shall submit suchsanitation plans to and receive approval from the secretary of health andenvironment. If the reservoir sanitation officer shall find that anysanitation plan does not meet the standards established by the secretary ofhealth and environment, he shall within thirty (30) days from the date ofreceipt of such plan notify the owner or owners of such fact. If the plandoes meet standards established by the secretary of health and environmentand the plans and specifications of the proposed water supply and sewagedisposal systems have been approved by the secretary of health andenvironment, such fact shall be endorsed thereon.
Appeals to the secretary of health and environment may be taken by theowner of land from the decision of the reservoir sanitation officer denyingthe approval of any sanitation plan submitted by him within twenty (20)days of the date of receipt of the notice of such denial.
History: L. 1969, ch. 294, § 4; L. 1974, ch. 352,§ 55; July 1.