65-187. Powers and duties of secretary.
65-187. Powers and duties of secretary.The following powers and duties are hereby conferred and imposed uponthe secretary of health and environment:
(a) The secretary of health and environment is authorized to adopt rulesand regulations designating and establishing "sanitation zones" for thepurposes of this act. When a sanitation zone isestablished the secretary of health and environment shall file a certifiedcopy of the regulation establishing the boundaries of a sanitation zone inthe office of the register of deeds in any county any territory of which islocated in such sanitation zone.
(b) The secretary of health and environment is hereby authorized toadopt rules and regulations fixing minimum standards for the control ofsanitation in water supply, sewage disposal and refuse disposal uponproperty located within sanitation zones established under the provisionsof this act. Such regulations shall fix a scale of reasonable fees to bepaid to the county by the applicant for approval of sanitation plans. Therules and regulations shall provide for the use of septic tanks and sewageholding tanks upon any lot where there is reason to believe the publichealth and safety will not be endangered thereby.
(c) The secretary of health and environment shall conduct a hearing in accordancewith the Kansas administrative procedure act upon a timely appeal by alandowner aggrieved by a decision of a reservoir sanitation officer denyingapproval of a sanitation plan.
(d) The secretary of health and environment shall examine and approvethe maps, plans and specifications of all water supply and sewage disposalsystems required to be submitted to the secretary of health and environmentunder the provisions of this act.
History: L. 1965, ch. 387, § 4; L. 1968, ch. 213, § 2; L.1969, ch. 294, § 1;L. 1974, ch. 352, § 53;L. 1988, ch. 356, § 184; July 1, 1989.