65-176. Inspections; rules and regulations; reports; terms "sanitary conditions" and "health supervision" construed.


Chapter 65.--PUBLIC HEALTH

      65-176.   Inspections; rules and regulations; reports; terms "sanitaryconditions" and "health supervision" construed.The secretary of health and environment shall at intervals of not lessthan six (6) months inspect or cause to be inspected all state children'sinstitutions. Such inspections shall be made under rules and regulationsduly promulgated and adopted by the secretary of health and environment andshall be made sufficiently often to insure proper sanitary conditions andadequate health supervision at such institutions. The secretary shallprepare and submit findings and recommendations as to proper sanitaryconditions and health supervision to the superintendent or officer incharge of such institutions and to the agency in charge of suchinstitutions.

      Said secretary shall prepare and submit to the governor and thelegislature reports concerning such inspections, findings andrecommendations as authorized and required by K.S.A. 75-3044. The terms"sanitary conditions" and "health supervision" shall be construed toinclude only those conditions and circumstances which pertain proximatelyand immediately to the physical health and well being of the personsresiding in said institutions, and shall in no wise include matterspertaining to administrative policy and procedures, education, recreation,rehabilitation and psychiatric treatment programs, except insofar as thephysical well being of said persons residing therein may be directlyaffected thereby.

      History:   L. 1949, ch. 422, § 1; L. 1951, ch. 356, § 1; L. 1965, ch. 369, § 1;L. 1974, ch. 352, § 45; L. 1975, ch. 312,§ 5; July 1.