65-170g. Disclosure of information; trade secrets; confidential information.


Chapter 65.--PUBLIC HEALTH

      65-170g.   Disclosure of information; trade secrets;confidentialinformation.Records, reports, data or other information obtained relative to or fromsources or potential sources of discharges of water pollutants shall beavailable to the public except that upon a showing satisfactory to thesecretary of health and environment by any person that such records,reports, data or other information would divulge methods or processesentitled to protection as trade secrets under the uniform trade secrets act(K.S.A. 60-3320 et seq. and amendments thereto), then thesecretary of health andenvironment shall consider such records, reports, data, or otherinformation as confidential. Nothingin thisact shallbe construed to make confidential any effluent data, including records,reports or information and permits, draft permits and permit applications.Any such records, reports, data, or other information consideredconfidential may be made available to other officers, employees orauthorized representatives of the federal, state and local governmentwithresponsibilities in water pollution control and additionally may beutilized in any proceeding whether civil or criminal.

      History:   L. 1973, ch. 256, § 1; L. 1974, ch. 352, § 35;L. 2005, ch. 67, § 5; July 1.