64-101. Newspapers in which legal publications may be made.



      64-101.   Newspapers in which legal publications maybe made.(a) Thegoverning body of each city of the first class shall designate byresolution a newspaper to bethe official city newspaper. Once designated, the newspaper shall be theofficial city newspaper until such time as the governing body designates adifferent newspaper.

      No legal notice, advertisement or publication of anykind required or provided by any of the laws of the state of Kansas, to bepublished in anewspaper shall have any force or effect unless the same ispublished in a newspaper which:

      (1)   Is published at least weekly50 times a year andhas been so published for at least one yearprior to thepublicationof any official city publication;

      (2)   is entered at the post office asperiodical classmail matter;

      (3)   has general paid circulation on a daily, weekly,monthlyor yearly basis in the county in which the city is located andis not a trade,religious orfraternal publication; and

      (4)   is publishedin thecounty in which the city publishing the official publication islocated. If there is nonewspaperpublished in the county, the newspaper shall bepublishedin Kansas and shall havegeneral paid circulation in the county.

      (b)   The board of county commissioners of each county shalldesignate by resolution a newspaper to be the official county newspaper. Once designated the newspaper shall be the official county newspaper untilsuch time as the board designates a different newspaper.The newspaper selected for the official publications ofa county shall be a newspaperwhich:

      (1)   Is published at least weekly50 times each year andhas been so published for at least one year prior to thepublicationof any official county publication;

      (2)   is entered at the post office in the county ofpublication as periodical class mail matter, which county shall be located inKansas;

      (3)   has general paid circulation on a daily,weekly,monthlyor yearly basis in the county and is not a trade,religious orfraternal publication; and

      (4)   is published in the county publishingthe official publication. If there is no newspaper published in the county,thenewspaper shall be printed in Kansas and have general paid circulation in thecounty.

      (c)   Whenever the board of education of a school district is required topublish a legal notice, advertisement or other publication in a newspaperhaving general circulation in the school district, such newspaper shall be onewhich:

      (1)   Is published at least weekly50 times each year andhas been so published for at least one year prior to thepublicationof any school district publication;

      (2)   is entered at the post office in the school district of publication asperiodical class mail matter;

      (3)   has general paid circulation on a daily, weekly,monthlyor yearly basis in the school district and is not a trade,religious orfraternal publication; and

      (4)   is published in the school districtpublishing the official publication. If there is no newspaper published in theschool district, the newspaper shall be published in Kansas and shall havegeneral paid circulation in the school district.

      (d)   Nothing contained inthis section shallinvalidate the publication in a newspaper which has resumed publicationafter having suspended publication all or part of the time that the UnitedStates has been engaged in war with any foreign nation and six monthsnext following the cessation of hostilities if such newspaper resumespublication in good faith under the same ownership as it had when itsuspended publication. Nothing in this section shallinvalidate the publication in a newspaper which has simply changed its nameor moved its place of publication from one part of the county toanother part, or suspended publication on account of fire, flood, strikes,shortages of materials or other unavoidable accidents for not to exceed10 weeks within the year last preceding the first publication of thelegal notice, advertisement or publication. All legalpublications heretofore made which otherwise would be valid,that have beenmade in a newspaper which, on account of flood, fire, strikes,shortages of materials or other unavoidable accident, has suspendedpublication for a period of not exceeding 10 weeks, are herebylegalized.

      History:   L. 1891, ch. 156, § 1;L. 1901, ch. 239, § 1; L. 1913,ch. 223, § 1;R.S. 1923, 64-101; L. 1935, ch. 236, § 1; L. 1943, ch. 228, § 1;L. 1947,ch. 325, § 1; L. 1959, ch. 250, § 1;L. 1963, ch. 312, § 1;L. 1986, ch. 75, § 2;L. 1988, ch. 224, § 1;L. 1994, ch. 68, § 1;L. 1998, ch. 135, § 1; July 1.