60-1624. Same; temporary orders.
60-1624. Same; temporary orders.(a) The court may enter a temporary parenting plan in anycase in which temporary orders relating to child custody is authorized.
(b) If the court deems it appropriate, a temporary parenting plan approved bythe court may include one or more of the following provisions regardingchildren involved in the matter before the court:
(1) Designation of the temporary legal custody of the child;
(2) designation of a temporary residence for the child;
(3) allocation of parental rights and responsibilities regarding matterspertaining to the child's health, education and welfare;
(4) a schedule for the child's time with each parent, when appropriate.
(c) A parent seeking a temporary order in which matters of child custody,residency, or parenting time are included shall file a proposed temporaryparenting plan contemporaneous with any request for issuance of such temporaryorders, which plan shall be served with any such temporary orders.
(d) If the parent who has not filed a proposed temporary parenting plandisputes the allocation of parenting responsibilities, residency, parentingtime or other matters included in the proposed temporary parenting plan, thatparent shall file and serve a responsive proposed temporary parenting plan.
(e) Either parent may move to have a proposed temporary parenting planentered as part of a temporary order. The parents may enter an agreed temporaryparenting plan at any time as part of a temporary order.
(f) A parent may move for amendment of a temporary parenting plan, and thecourt may order amendment to the temporary parenting plan, if the amendment isin the best interest of the child.
(g) If a proceeding for divorce, separate maintenance, annulment ordetermination of parentage is dismissed, any temporary parenting plan isvacated.
History: L. 2000, ch. 171, § 26; July 1.