59-2281. Cases in which joinder of administration proceedings proper.
59-2281. Cases in which joinder of administration proceedings proper. Proceedings for the administration of estates of two deceased persons,who died intestate, may be joined and united in one proceeding, where theestate or estates left by one or both of such deceased persons has been oris to be received from the other of such deceased persons, immediately orremotely, and no probate or administration proceedings have been had orcommenced upon the estate of either of such deceased persons, or where twopersons died seized of undivided interests in property, real or personal,and no probate or administration proceedings have been had or commenced onthe estate of either, and one or more persons are heirs of both suchdeceased persons. The court may grant letters of administration upon suchestates and they may be administered as one proceeding: Provided, Thatin all cases herein mentioned the court granting such letters hasjurisdiction of each proceeding so joined and united.
History: L. 1947, ch. 316, § 1; June 30.