59-2214. Taxation of costs and security therefor; poverty affidavit.


Chapter 59.--PROBATE CODE

      59-2214.   Taxation of costs and security therefor; poverty affidavit.In all probate proceedings relating to a decedent or conservatee, thecourt shall tax the costs thereof against the estate unless otherwiseprovided by this act, or unless it appears that it would be unjust andinequitable to do so, in which event the court shall tax such costs or anypart thereof against such party as it appears to the court is just andequitable in the premises. In case of any contested demand or matters thecourt may, in its discretion, require the claimant to give securityfor costs, or in lieu thereof file a poverty affidavit as provided in thecode of civil procedure. In all proceedings relating to a ward, the courtshall tax the costs or any part thereof as it appears to the court is justand equitable.

      History:   L. 1939, ch. 180, § 190; L. 1941, ch. 284, § 9; L.1965, ch. 346, § 31; L. 1976, ch. 242, § 32; Jan. 10, 1977.