58a-109. Methods and waiver of notice.
58a-109. Methods and waiver ofnotice.(a) Notice to aperson under this code or the sending of a document to aperson under thiscode must be accomplished in a manner reasonably suitable under thecircumstances and likelyto result in receipt of the notice or document. Permissible methods of noticeor for sending adocument include first-class mail, personal delivery, delivery to the person'slast known place ofresidence or place of business, or a properly directed electronic message.
(b) Notice otherwise required under this code or a document otherwiserequired to be sentunder this code need not be provided to a person whose identity or location isunknown to and notreasonably ascertainable by the trustee.
(c) Notice under this code or the sending of a document under this code maybe waivedby the person to be notified or sent the document.
(d) Notice of a judicial proceeding must be given as provided in thecode ofcivil procedure.
History: L. 2002, ch. 133, § 9; Jan. 1, 2003.