55-1811. Liquefied petroleum gas advisory board; composition and functions.
55-1811. Liquefied petroleum gas advisory board;composition and functions.(a) A liquefied petroleum gas advisory board shall be createdwithin and as part of the state fire marshal's office.
(b) The advisory board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the governorand the state fire marshal. The advisory board shall review and makerecommendations on proposed rules and regulations or proposed revisions tocurrent rules and regulations concerning liquefied petroleum gas prior to thesubmission of such rules and regulations to the secretary of administrationpursuant to K.S.A. 77-420, and amendments thereto. Personnel matters of thestate fire marshal shall not be reviewed by the advisory board. Theadvisory board shall not have any powers, duties or functionsconcerning the day-to-day operations of the office of the state fire marshal.
(c) The board shall be composed of nine members who shall be appointed by thegovernor. Four members shall represent retail marketers of liquefied petroleumgas; one member shall represent the insurance industry; one member shallrepresent wholesalers, resellers, suppliers and importers of liquefiedpetroleum gas; one member shall represent manufacturers and distributors ofliquefied petroleum gas equipment and transporters of liquefied petroleum gas;and two members shall come from the public. At no time shall more than fivemembers of the advisory board be members of the same politicalparty.
(d) The regular term of office of members of the advisory board shall be fouryears. Regular terms shall commence on the second Monday in January followingthe appointment of a board member.
(e) Of the members of the board appointed in the year 2004:
(1) Four members shall have terms ending on the second Monday in January 2008and no more than two such members shall be members of the same political party;and
(2) five members shall have terms ending on the second Monday in January 2007and no more than three such members shall be members of the same politicalparty.
(f) Any member appointed subsequent to 2004 shall be appointed for afour-year term, unless such appointment is to fill the unexpired term where avacancy has occurred on the advisory board, in which case the member shall beappointed for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(g) Members of any such advisory committee shall serve without compensation.The membership shall be selected based on the individual's knowledge regardingliquefied petroleum gas, insurance or other relevant expertise.
History: L. 2004, ch. 111, § 5; Apr. 22.