55-1808. Application of act.
55-1808. Application of act.(a) No person, firm, corporation, association or other entityshall engage in any activity relating to the retail distribution of liquefiedpetroleum gas, including, but not limited to, the manufacturing, assembling,modifying, fabrication, installing or selling of any system, container orapparatus to be used in the state of Kansas for the transportation, storing,dispensing or utilization of liquefied petroleum gas by an end retail userwithout first having obtained the proper license to do so as provided in thisact.
(b) This act shall not apply to vehicles utilizing or machinery utilizingliquefied petroleum gas, the filling of cylinders by owners for private use,liquefied petroleum gas systems with a capacity of less than 20 gallons ofliquefied petroleum gas or storage containers with a water capacity of 100 lbsor less unless otherwise stated in this act.
(c) Systems of liquefied petroleum gas with multiple storage containersserving differentpurposes or different geographical locations shall be treated as individual andseparate systems.
History: L. 2004, ch. 111, § 2; Apr. 22.