55-1803. Creation of council; membership; chairperson and committees; employees; duties.
55-1803. Creation of council; membership;chairperson and committees; employees; duties.(a) The Kansas propane education and research council is herebycreated. Members of the council shall beappointed by the governor from a list of nominees submitted by qualifiedindustry organizations within 60 days after the effective date of this act. Thecouncil shall consist of 10 members, including four members representingretail marketers of propane; two members representing wholesalers, resellers,suppliers and importers of propane; two members representing manufacturers anddistributors of propane gas equipment and transporters of propane; onepublic member;andthe state firemarshal or the state fire marshal's designee who shall serve as an ex officiomember.
(b) Members of the council shall serve terms of three years, except that, ofthe initial members, three shall be appointed for terms of one year and threeshall be appointed for terms of two years, as designated by the governor.Members filling unexpired terms shall be appointed in a manner consistent withthis section. Members may serve a maximum of two consecutive full terms, exceptthat members filling unexpired terms may serve a maximum of eight consecutiveyears. Former members may be reappointed if they have not been members for aperiod of two years.
(c) The council shall select from among the council's members a chairpersonand otherofficers as necessary, establish committees and subcommittees of the counciland adopt rules and regulations and bylaws for the conduct of business. Thecouncil may establishadvisory committees of persons other than council members.
(d) The council may employ an executive director to serve as chief executiveofficer and such other employees as it deems necessary. The council shalldetermine the compensation and duties of each and shall protect the handling ofcouncil funds through fidelity bonds.
(e) The administrative costs of operating the council shall not exceed 10% ofthe funds collected in any fiscal year.
(f) At the beginning of each fiscal year, the council shall prepare a budgetplan that includes the estimated costs of all programs, projects and contractsof the council. The council shall provide an opportunity for public comment onthe budget. The council shall prepare and make available to the public anannual report detailing the activities of the council in the previous year,those planned for the coming year and costs related to the activities.
(g) The council shall keep minutes, books and records that clearly reflectallof the acts and transactions of the council. The books of the council shall beaudited by a certified public accountant at least once each fiscal year and atsuch other times as the council may designate. Copies of audits shall beprovided to the executive director, to all members of the council and to anyother member of the industry upon request.
(h) The council shallbe subject to the Kansas open meetings actand shall require reports onthe activities of the committees and subcommittees and on compliance,violations and complaints regarding the implementation of this act.
(i) The council shall develop programs and projects and enter into contractsor agreements for implementing this act, including programsto enhance consumer and employee safety and training, programs to provideresearch and development to improve existing propane technology, programs toincrease efficiency of propane use and any other programs to educate the publicabout the safety and environmental aspects of propane. Safety issues shallreceive first priority in the development of all programs and projects fundedby the council. The funds collected for the council shall not be used topromote one energy source over another.In developing programsand projects and entering into contracts or agreements for implementing theprovisions of thisact, thecouncil shall not use any funds collected by the council to provide for orassistthepurchase of equipment related to such programs and projects by or for aprivate, forprofit corporation or other business association or entity.The council shall not use any funds collected by the council to purchasepropane products and equipment or replace propane productsand equipment for Kansas consumers, including through cost-shareprograms, except that the council may use such funds forthe purchase of propane products and equipment for displays in such programs orprojects.The council shall provide for thepayment of the costs of the programs and projects with funds collected pursuantto K.S.A. 55-1804, and amendments thereto, and shall coordinate thecouncil'sactivities withqualified industry organizations to provide efficient delivery of services andto avoid unnecessary costs of duplication of activities.
(j) The council shall report annually to the house and senate committees onagriculture. Such report shall include details of council programs, projectsand activities as provided pursuant to this act.The report provided in 2004 shall include a review of propane safety policies,statutes, rules and regulations in Kansas and adjoining states and shallinclude recommendations the council deems appropriate for policy, statutory orregulatory changes in Kansas to improve propane safety.
History: L. 2003, ch. 102, § 3; July 1.