49-609. Same; amendment or cancellation of registration, applications; procedures and requirements.
49-609. Same; amendment or cancellation of registration, applications;procedures and requirements.(a) An operator may at any time apply for amendment orcancellation of registration of any site. The application for amendment orcancellation of registration shall be submitted by the operator on a formprovided by the director and shall identify as required under K.S.A. 49-607 thetract or tracts of land to be added to or removed from registration.
(b) If the application is for an increase in the area of a registered site,the application shall be processed in the same manner as an application fororiginal registration.
(c) If the application is to cancel registration of any or all of theunmined part of a site, the director, after ascertaining that nooverburden has been disturbed or deposited on the land, shall order release ofthebond or the security posted on the land being removed from registration andcancel or amend the operator's written authorization to conduct surface miningon the site.
(d) Land where overburden has been disturbed or depositedshall substantially meet the criteria established by the reclamation plansubmitted with the registration application before the landshall be removedfrom registration or released from bond or security under this section.
History: L. 1994, ch. 197, § 9; July 1.