48-907. Powers and duties of adjutant general.



      48-907.   Powers and duties of adjutant general.For the purposes of administering the division of emergencymanagementand the powers, duties and functions thereof, the adjutant general shallhave the following powers and duties:

      (a)   To adopt, amend and repeal rules and regulations;

      (b)   to cooperate with the advisory commission to the council of nationaldefense through its division of state and local cooperation, or with anysimilar federal agencies hereafter created, and with any departments orother federal agencies engaged in defense or emergencymanagement activities;

      (c)   to cooperate with emergency management agencies orcouncils andsimilar organizations of other states;

      (d)   to cooperate with county, city and interjurisdictional disasteragencies;

      (e)   to supervise and direct investigations, and report to the governorwith recommendations for legislation or other appropriate action as theadjutant general deems necessary, with respect to anytype of activity or matter ofpublic concern or welfare insofar as the same is or may be related toemergency management;

      (f)   to appoint committees to aid the adjutant general inthe discharge of the powers and duties conferred by this act;

      (g)   to require and direct the cooperation and assistance of state andlocal governmental agencies and officials;

      (h)   to serve as the chief administrative officer of the division ofemergency management and the state resourcesadministrator; and

      (i)   to do all acts and things, not inconsistent with law, for thefurtherance of emergency management activities.

      History:   L. 1951, ch. 323, § 6; L. 1955, ch. 263, § 4; L. 1965,ch. 337, § 2; L. 1975, ch. 283, § 21;L. 1994, ch. 248, § 3; July 1.