48-309. Aid to national or state guard by city or county; limitation on amount, tax levy; use and disposition of funds.
48-309. Aid to national or state guard by city or county; limitationon amount, tax levy; use and disposition of funds.(a) The governing body of any city in this state having a Kansas army orair national guard unit or Kansas state guard unitwithin its boundaries, orwithin 12 miles thereof, and the board of county commissioners ofany county in this state having a Kansas army or air national guard unit orKansas stateguard unit within its boundaries are each hereby authorized andempowered to make an annual expenditure in cash, for furnishingequipment and maintenance to such national guard or state guard unit, inan amount not to exceed $2,000for each Kansas army or air national guard unit which is now or hereafter maybe organized, if such national guard unit has qualified for federalrecognition as a part of the army or air national guard of the UnitedStates. For the purpose of providing funds for the purposesauthorized under this section the board of county commissioners of any such county ishereby authorized to make such expenditures from the general fund of the county or maylevy annually a tax upon all the taxable tangible property of the countysufficient to provide funds for the purposes authorized under this sectionand to pay a portion of the principal and interest on bonds issued underthe authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, by cities locatedin the county.
(b) All funds received by any Kansas army or air national guard unit orKansas state guard unit from a city or county under this section for furnishingequipment and maintenance to such unit may be expended for such purposesin accordance with rules and regulations adopted by theadjutant general. Each Kansas army or air national guard unit or Kansasstate guard unit shall deposit all such funds received under this sectionin a separate account for such purposes in a bank, federally charteredsavings bank or state or federally chartered savings and loan associationdesignated by the pooledmoney investment board.
(c) All revenues received by any Kansas army or air national guardunit or Kansas state guard unit from othersources, including but not limited to armory rentals, vending proceeds andgifts and donations may be expendedfor operating expenses including maintenance and equipment and for moraleand welfare purposes in accordancewith rules and regulations adopted by the adjutant general. EachKansas army or air national guard unit shall deposit all such funds receivedunderthis section in a separate account in a bank, federally chartered savingsbank or state or federally chartered savings and loan association designatedby the pooled moneyinvestment board.
(d) Each Kansas army or air national guard unit or Kansas state guardunit receiving funds under this section shall account for the receipt andexpenditure ofsuch funds as the adjutant general may direct.
History: L. 1919, ch. 220, § 2; R.S. 1923, 48-309; L. 1943,ch. 201, § 2; L. 1953, ch. 263, § 2; L. 1959, ch. 233, § 1; L. 1969,ch. 269, § 1; L. 1974, ch. 227, § 1; L. 1976, ch. 58, § 4; L. 1979,ch. 52, § 156; L. 1982, ch. 225, § 3;L. 1994, ch. 105, § 12; April 14.