48-223. Semiannual inspections of regiments and battalions and annual property inspection; compensation of officers.
48-223. Semiannual inspections of regiments and battalions and annualproperty inspection; compensation of officers.There shall be a semiannual inspection of each regiment and separatebattalion of the Kansas national guard, made by the commanding officerthereof or under the officer's supervision, to be designated respectively as "spring"and "fall" inspection. Each company and auxiliary organization and eachbattery shall be inspected at its armory, in accordance with therequirements of the regulations governing such inspections prepared andpromulgated by the military board and the special instructions of thecommander in chief: Provided, That should a regiment or part of aregiment be mobilized during the spring or fall, the semiannual inspectionmay be made at that time. The officer making the semiannual inspection,when not under pay at a regular camp of instruction, will be entitled toreceive as compensation, for the reasonable and necessary time employed andin traveling to and from, five dollars per day, and the necessary expensesfor travel and subsistence in line of duty during the time such service isrendered. Sworn vouchers minutely itemized shall be filed in duplicate withthe adjutant general before such claim for services and expenses can bepaid.
There shall be, in addition to the regular semiannual inspection, anannual property inspection made by an officer from the office of theadjutant general, or some officer of the governor's staff or a regular armyofficer detailed thereon or some officer of the Kansas national guarddetailed for such duty by the adjutant general, on such date or dates asthe adjutant general shall designate. The inspecting officer shall inspectevery item of United States and state military property in the possessionof each organization of the Kansas national guard, and will verify the samewith the accounts rendered by each responsible officer; the inspecting officershall haveauthority to pass upon the serviceableness or suitability of each item ofproperty submitted to him or her for such inspection, and to order property deemedby him or her to be unserviceable or unsuitable shipped at once to the statearsenal.
If the inspecting officer is other than a salaried officer of thegovernor's staff or an officer of the regular army, he or she shall be entitled tocompensation, for the actual and necessary time employed in traveling toand from and making such property inspection, at the rate of five dollarsper day. All officers making such property inspection, shall be entitled toreimbursement for necessary and actual expenses for travel and subsistencewhile making such annual property inspection.
History: L. 1901, ch. 255, § 29; L. 1903, ch. 359, § 1 (29); June 1; R.S.1923, 48-223.