48-1601. Declaration of policy; construction of act.



      48-1601.   Declaration of policy; construction of act.It is the policy of the state of Kansas in furtherance of itsresponsibility to protect the public health and safety:

      (a)   To institute and maintain a program to permit development andutilization of sources of radiation for peaceful purposes consistent withthe health and safety of the public;

      (b)   to institute and maintain a regulatory program for sources ofradiation so as to provide for (1) compatibility with the standards andregulatory programs of the federal government; (2) an integrated, effectivesystem of regulation within the state; and (3) a system consonant insofaras possible with those of other states; and

      (c)   to provide for the availability of capacity either within oroutside the state for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste generatedwithin the state, except for waste generated as a result of defense orfederal research and development activities, and to recognize that suchradioactive waste can be most safely and efficiently managed on a regionalbasis. Any state agency or institution acting as a grantee in a federalresearch or development program which generates low-level radioactive wastewithin the state shall be required to dispose of such waste in accordancewith applicable state law.

      The provisions of this act shall not be interpreted as limiting theintentional exposure of patients to radiation, for the purpose of diagnosisor therapy, by persons licensed to practice one or more of the healing artswithin the authority granted to them by the Kansas healing arts statute, orby persons licensed to practice dentistry or podiatry within the authoritygranted to them by Kansas licensing laws applying to dentists andpodiatrists.

      History:   L. 1963, ch. 290, § 1; L. 1972, ch. 207, §1; L. 1984, ch. 198, § 1; July 1.