48-1207. Special emergency judges.



      48-1207.   Special emergency judges.In the event that any judge of any court is unavailable to exercise thepowers and discharge the duties of his or her office, and in the event no otherjudge authorized to act in the event of absence, disability or vacancy orno special judge appointed in accordance with the provisions of theconstitution or statutes is available to exercise the powers and dischargethe duties of such office, the duties of the office shall be discharged andthe powers exercised by the special emergency judges hereinafter providedfor:

      (a)   The governor shall designate a special emergency justice for ajustice of the supreme court when a justice of the supreme court isunavailable following an attack.

      (b)   The chief justice of the supreme court in consultation with theother justices of said court, shall designate a special emergency judge foreach judge of a court of record, except a justice of the supreme court,when such a judge is unavailable after an attack.

      (c)   The judge of the district court (or the presiding or senior judge ofa district in consultation with other judges of that district where thereis more than one judge) shall designate a special emergency judge for anycourt not of record within that district when the regular judge of such acourt is unavailable after an attack.

      Such special emergency judges shall exercise the powers and dischargethe duties of such office in case of the unavailability of the regularjudge and shall discharge the duties and exercise the powers of such officeuntil such time as a vacancy which may exist shall be filled in accordancewith the constitution and statutes or until the regular judge becomesavailable to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the office.

      History:   L. 1961, ch. 423, § 7; June 30.