47-830. Grounds for refusal to issue or revocation or suspension of license or other restrictions.
47-830. Grounds for refusal to issue or revocationor suspension of license or other restrictions.The board, in accordance with the provisions of the Kansasadministrative procedure act, may refuse to issue a license,revoke, suspend, limit, condition, reprimand or restrict alicense to practice veterinary medicine for any of the following reasons:
(a) The employment of fraud, misrepresentation or deception in obtaining alicense;
(b) an adjudication of incapacity by a court of competent jurisdiction;
(c) for having professional connection with or lending one's name to anyillegal practitioner of veterinary medicine and the various branches thereof;
(d) false or misleading advertising;
(e) conviction of a felony;
(f) failure to provide a written response within the timeprescribed by the board to a written request made by the board pursuant to aninvestigation by or on behalf of the board;
(g) employing, contracting with or utilizing in any manner any personin the unlawful practice of veterinary medicine;
(h) fraud or dishonest conduct in applying, treating or reporting diagnosticbiological tests of public health significance or in issuing healthcertificates;
(i) failure of the veterinarian who is responsible for the operation andmanagement of a veterinary premises to keep the veterinary premisesin compliance with minimum standardsestablished by rules and regulations as to sanitary conditions andphysical plant;
(j) failure to report as required by law, or making false report ofany contagious or infectious disease;
(k) dishonesty or negligence in the inspection of foodstuffs;
(l) cruelty or inhumane treatment to animals;
(m) disciplinary or administrative action taken by any federal, state orlocal regulatory agency or any foreign country on grounds other thannonpayment of registration fees;
(n) disclosure of any information in violation of K.S.A. 47-839, andamendments thereto;
(o) unprofessional conduct as defined in rules and regulations adopted bythe boardincludes, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) Conviction of a charge of violating any federal statutes or anystatute of this state, regarding substances as defined in K.S.A. 65-4101, andamendments thereto;
(2) using unless lawfully prescribed, prescribing oradministering to oneself or another person anyof the controlled substances as defined in K.S.A. 65-4101, and amendmentsthereto, or using, prescribing or administering any of thecontrolled substances as defined in K.S.A. 65-4101 and amendments theretoor alcoholic beverages or any other drugs, chemicals or substancesto the extent, or in such a manner as to bedangerous or injurious to a person licensed under the Kansas veterinarypractice act, to oneself or to any other person or to the public, or tothe extent thatsuch use impairs the ability of such person so licensed to conduct with safetythe practice authorized by the license;
(3) the conviction of more than onemisdemeanor or any felony involving the use, consumption or self-administrationof any of the substances referred to in this section or any combinationthereof;
(4) violation of or attempting to violate, directly or indirectly, anyprovision of the Kansas veterinary practice act or any rules and regulationsadopted pursuant to such act; and
(5) violation of an order of the board;
(p) conviction of a crime substantially related to qualifications,functions or duties of veterinary medicine, surgery or dentistry;
(q) fraud, deception, negligence or incompetence in the practice ofveterinary medicine;
(r) the use, prescription, administration, dispensation orsale of any veterinary prescription drug orthe prescription of an extra-label use of any over-the-counter drug in theabsence of a valid veterinary-client-patient relationship;
(s) failing to furnish details or copies of a patient's medicalrecords or failing to provide reasonable access to or a copy of apatient's radiographs to another treating veterinarian, hospitalor clinic, upon the written request of and authorization from an owneror owner's agent, or failing toprovide the owner or owner's agent with a summary of the medical record withina reasonable period of time and upon proper request by the owner orowner's agent, or failing to comply with any other law relating to medicalrecords; or
(t) determination that the veterinarian is impaired, as defined inK.S.A. 47-846 and amendments thereto, by a representative ofthe impaired veterinarian committee, or as determined by the board after ahearing.
History: L. 1969, ch. 261, § 17;L. 1984, ch. 313, § 76;L. 1991, ch. 153, § 1;L. 1993, ch. 129, § 14;L. 1999, ch. 25, § 9;L. 2006, ch. 46, § 1; July 1.