47-818. State board of veterinary examiners; appointment; terms; vacancies; qualifications; removal by governor.
47-818. State board of veterinary examiners;appointment; terms; vacancies;qualifications; removal by governor.(a) In order to promote the public health, safety and welfare in relation tothe practice of veterinary medicine, there is hereby established the stateboard of veterinary examinerswhich shall consist of seven members, six of whomshall belicensed veterinarians and one member who shall not be a veterinarian.Uponthe expiration of any member's term, the governor shall appoint asuccessor to ensure therepresentation ofthe major facets of veterinary medical practice for a term of four years,whichterm shall commence on July 1 and shall expire on June 30. Before enteringinto a term of office, eachmember of the board shall file with the secretary of state a writtenoath to discharge the member's duties in a faithful manner.
(b) The procedure for appointing members of the board under this actshall be as follows:
(1) The board of directors of the Kansas veterinary medicalassociation shall submit the names of three or more,orany other person may submit the name of one or more qualifiedveterinarians tothe governor at least 30 days before the expiration of the termof any member of the board who is a licensed veterinarian. The governor mayappoint one of the persons whose name is so submitted to theveterinarian member's seat.
(2) A vacancy occurring on the board prior to expiration of the termof a member who is a veterinarian shall be filled for the remainder ofthe unexpired term in the same manner as prescribed in paragraph (1) ofthis subsection (b).
(c) No person shall be qualified to serve as a veterinarian memberof the board unless such person:
(1) Is a legal resident of the state of Kansas;
(2) is a graduate of a board-approved school ofveterinary medicine;
(3) is licensed to practice veterinary medicine in thisstate;and
(4) has had three years of actual practice inveterinary medicine in the state of Kansas preceding the time ofappointment.
(d) No person shall be qualified to serve as the nonveterinarianmember of the boardunless such person:
(1) Has been a legal resident of the state of Kansas forthree ormore years;
(2) is not a family member, as definedin K.A.R. 19-40-4 and amendments thereto of aveterinarian;
(3) has no financial interest in any veterinary practice or veterinarypremises as anowner or employee, or as a family member of an owneror employee, of suchpractice or premises; and
(4) has never engaged in the profession or business of educating ortraining veterinarians or students of veterinary medicine.
(e) The governor may remove any member of the board upon recommendation ofthe board.
History: L. 1969, ch. 261, § 5; L. 1978, ch. 308, § 50; L.1980, ch. 155, § 3; L. 1981, ch. 299, § 49;L. 1993, ch. 129, § 5;L. 1999, ch. 25, § 3; July 1.