Article 2 STRAYS
- 47-201
- 47-202
- 47-203
- 47-204
- 47-205
- 47-206
- 47-207
- 47-208
- 47-209
- 47-210
- 47-211
- 47-212, 47-213
- 47-214
- 47-215
- 47-216
- 47-217, 47-218
- 47-219
- 47-220, 47-221
- 47-222
- 47-223, 47-224
- 47-225
- 47-226
- 47-227, 47-228
- 47-229. Definitions.
- 47-230. Taking up stray; notice, requirements; record of ownership and animal released, when; costs.
- 47-231
- 47-232. Certification to court where controversy between adverse claimants; affidavits; testimony; order determining ownership and disposition of sale proceeds.
- 47-233 to 47-235
- 47-236. Care of strays.
- 47-237. Penalties for unlawful acts.
- 47-238. Same; advertising stray by sheriff; delivery of animal to market; sale; conditions.
- 47-239. Same; publication notice for sale; contents; disposition of proceeds of sale; special stray fund; establishing of ownership within six months of sale.