47-1721. License and permit fees; costs of inspection; disposition of moneys.
47-1721. License and permit fees; costs ofinspection; disposition of moneys.(a) Each application for issuance or renewal of a licenseor permit required under K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., andamendments thereto, shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed by thecommissioner under this section. Such fees shall be as follows:
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (5) or (6), for a license forpremises of aperson licensed under public law91-579 (7 U.S.C. § 2131 et seq.), an amount not to exceed$200;
(2) except as provided in paragraph (5) or (6), for a license for anyotherpremises, an amount not to exceed$405;
(3) for a temporary closing permit, an amount not to exceed$95;
(4) for an out-of-state distributor permit, an amount not to exceed$675;
(5) for a hobby breeder license or a kennel operator license an amount notto exceed $95;
(6) for a license for an animal shelter or a pound, an amount not toexceed $300; and
(7) a late fee of$70 shall be assessed to any personwhose permit orlicense renewal is more than 45 days' late.
(b) The commissioner shall determine annually the amount necessary tocarry out and enforce K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq., and amendmentsthereto, forthe next ensuing fiscal year and shall fix by rules and regulations thelicense and permit fees for such year at the amountnecessary forthat purpose, subject to the limitations of this section. In fixing suchfees, the commissioner may establish categories of licenses and permits, basedupon the type of license or permit, size of thelicensed or permitted business or activity and the premiseswhere suchbusiness or activity is conducted, and may establish different fees foreach such category. The fees in effect immediately prior to the effectivedate of this act shall continue in effect until different fees are fixed bythe commissioner as provided by this subsection.
(c) If a licensee, permittee or applicant for a licenseor permit requests an inspection of the premises of suchlicensee, permittee orapplicant, the commissioner shall assess the costs of such inspection, asestablished by rules and regulations of the commissioner, to such licensee,permittee or applicant.
(d) No fee or assessment required pursuant to this section shall berefundable.
(e) The commissioner shall remit all moneys received by or for thecommissioner under this section to the state treasurerin accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendmentsthereto.Upon receipt of each such remittance, the state treasurer shall deposit theentire amount in the state treasury to the creditof the animal dealersfee fund, which is hereby created in thestate treasury. Moneys in the animal dealers fee fund may be expended only toadminister and enforce K.S.A. 47-1701 et seq.,and amendments thereto.Allexpenditures from theanimal dealers fee fund shall be made in accordance with appropriation actsupon warrants of the director of accounts and reports issued pursuant tovouchers approved by the Kansas livestock commissioner or the commissioner'sdesignee.
(f) Premises required to be licensed under the Kansas pet animal act shallnot be required to pay for more than one license. If more than one operation isongoing at the premises, each operation shall comply with the applicablestatutes and rules and regulations pertaining to such operation.
(g) Except as provided further, when a premises required to be licensed orpermitted under the Kansas pet animal act applies for an initial license orpermit, the commissioner shall prorate to the nearest whole month the licenseor permit fee established in subsection (a). The commissioner shall havediscretion to determine whether the application is an initial application or anapplication for a premises which has been doing business but is not licensed orpermitted. If the commissioner determines the premises has been doing businesswithout a license or permit, the commissioner is not required to prorate thefee.
(h) This section shall be part of and supplemental to K.S.A.47-1701 et seq., and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1988, ch. 189, § 12;L. 1991, ch. 152, § 23;L. 1996, ch. 151, § 21;L. 2001, ch. 5, § 172;L. 2005, ch. 190, § 1; July 1.