47-1710. Release or disposition of animals from pound or animal shelter; use of proceeds from sale of animals.
47-1710. Release or disposition of animals frompound or animal shelter;useof proceeds from sale of animals.(a) An animal shall not be disposed of by an owner or operator of a pound orofananimal shelter as a pounduntil after expiration of a minimum of three full days of custody duringwhich the public has clear access to inspect and recover the animalthroughtime periods ordinarily accepted as usual business hours. During such timeof custody, any owner or operator of such facility shall attempt to notify theowner or custodian of any animal maintained or impounded by such facility ifsuch owner or custodian is known or reasonably ascertainable. Suchananimalmay at any time be released to the legal owner, moved to a veterinary hospitalfortreatment or observation, released in any manner, if such animal was a giftanimal to an animal shelter, or euthanized by a duly incorporated humanesociety or by a licensed veterinarian if it appears to an officer of suchhumane society or to such veterinarianthat the animal is diseased or disabled beyond recovery for any usefulpurpose.
(b) After the expiration of the holding period established insubsection(a), the governing body of a political subdivision regulating theoperationof a pound shall have ownership of such animal and shall determine themethod ofdisposition of any animal. Any pound releasing live animals toprospective owners shall comply with the provisions established in K.S.A.47-1731, and amendments thereto. Any proceeds derived from the sale orother disposition of such animals shall be paid directly to thetreasurer of the politicalsubdivision, and no part of such proceeds shall accrue to anyindividual.
(c) After the expiration of the holding period establishedin subsection(a), the board of directors of any humane societyoperatingan animal shelter as a pound,shall have ownership of such animal and shalldetermine the method of disposition of any animal. Any animal shelterreleasing live animals to prospectiveowners shall comply with the provisions established in K.S.A. 47-1731, andamendments thereto. Any proceeds derived from such sale or dispositionshallbe paid directly to the treasurer of the humane society and no part ofsuch proceeds shall accrue to any individual.
History: L. 1972, ch. 201, § 10;L. 1977, ch. 116, § 5;L. 1995, ch. 244, § 7;L. 1996, ch. 151, § 13;L. 2000, ch. 31, § 1; July 1.