46-3402. Same; powers and duties.
46-3402. Same; powers and duties.The commission shall:
(a) Conduct continuous and on-going monitoring of the implementation andoperation of theschool district finance and quality performance act and other provisions oflaw relating to school finance and the quality performance accreditationsystem;
(b) evaluate the school district finance and quality performance act anddetermine ifthere is a fairand equitable relationship between the costs of the weighted components andassigned weightings;
(c) determine if existing weightings should be adjusted;
(d) determine if additional school district operations should be weighted;
(e) review the amount of base state aid per pupil and determine if the amountshould beadjusted;
(f) evaluate the reform and restructuring components of the act and assessthe impactthereof;
(g) evaluate the system of financial support, reform and restructuring ofpublic education inKansas and in other states to ensure that the Kansas system isefficient and effective;
(h) conduct other studies, as directed by the legislative coordinatingcouncil, relating to theimproving, reforming or restructuring of the educational system and thefinancing thereof;
(i) conduct hearings and receive and consider suggestions from teachers,parents, thedepartment of education, the state board of education, other governmentalofficers and agencies andthe general public concerning suggested improvements in the educational systemand the financingthereof;
(j) appoint advisory committees when deemed necessary.Such advisory committees shall conduct hearings and seek a wide variety ofinput from individuals andgroups affectedby and concerned with the quality, efficiency and cost of public elementary andsecondary educationin Kansas. Such individuals and groups shall include, but not be limited to,teachers, parents, students, the department of education, the state board ofeducation, other governmental officers andagencies, professional educational organizations and associations, the businesscommunity,institutions of higher education, other persons who have an interest in thequality and efficiency ofelementary and secondary education in Kansas and members of the general publicinterested in theimprovement in the state's educational system and the financing thereof.The chairperson of any suchadvisory committee shall be a member of the 2010 commission;
(k) make any recommendation it deems is necessary to guide thelegislature to fulfillgoals established by the legislature in meeting its constitutional duties ofthe legislature to: (A)Provide for intellectual, educational, vocational and scientific improvement inpublic schoolsestablished and maintained by the state; and (B) make suitable provision forthe finance of theeducational interests of the state;
(l) examine the availability of revenues to ensure adequate funding ofelementary andsecondary education in the state;
(m) examine school district efficiencies and whether districts are using bestpractices todeliver a high quality level of services and programs;
(n) examine school district consolidation and impediments thereto;
(o) examine voluntary activities, including extracurricular activities, whichaffect educationalcosts;
(p) monitor and evaluate associations and organizations that promote orregulate voluntaryor extracurricular activities including, but not limited to, the Kansas statehigh school activitiesassociation;
(q) conduct other studies, as directed by the legislature, relating to theimproving, reformingor restructuring of the educational system and the financing thereof;
(r) make and submit annual reports to the legislature on the work of thecommission concerningrecommendations of the commission relating to the improving, reforming orrestructuring of theeducational system and the financing thereof and other topics of studydirected to the commission by thelegislative coordinating council. Such report also shall includerecommendations for legislativechanges and shall be submitted to the legislature on or before December 31 ofeach year.
History: L. 2005, ch. 152, § 8; July 1.