46-3301. Joint committee on Kansas security; membership; appointment; powers and duties; meetings; compensation.


Chapter 46.--LEGISLATURE

      46-3301.   Joint committee on Kansas security;membership; appointment; powers and duties; meetings; compensation.(a) There is hereby established a joint committee on Kansassecurity whichshall consist of five members of the house of representatives and five membersof the senate.Three of the members who are representatives shall be appointed by the speakerof the house ofrepresentatives, three members who are senators shall be appointed by thepresident of the senate,two members who are representatives shall be appointed by the minority leaderof the house ofrepresentatives and two members who are senators shall be appointed by theminority leader ofthe senate. The speaker of the house of representatives shall designate arepresentative member tobe chairperson or vice-chairperson of the committee as provided by thissection. The president ofthe senate shall designate a senator member to be chairperson orvice-chairperson of the jointcommittee as provided by this section.

      (b)   The Kansas bureau of investigation shall conduct a criminal historyrecord check and background investigation of allcommittee staff members of the legislative research department and the officeof the revisor of statutes.

      (c)   A quorum of the joint committee on Kansas security shall be six. Allactions of thecommittee may be taken by a majority of those present when there is a quorum.In odd-numberedyears the chairperson of the joint committee shall be the designated member ofthe house ofrepresentatives from the convening of the regular session in that year untilthe convening of theregular session in the next ensuing year. In even-numbered years thechairperson of the jointcommittee shall be the designated member of the senate from the convening ofthe regularsession of that year until the convening of the regular session of the nextensuing year. The vice-chairperson shall exercise all of the powers of thechairperson in the absence of the chairperson.

      (d)   The joint committee on Kansas security may meet at any time and at anyplace within the state on call of thechairperson. Membersof the joint committee shall receive compensation and travel expenses andsubsistence expensesor allowances as provided in K.S.A. 75-3212, and amendments thereto, whenattending meetingsof such committee authorized by the legislative coordinating council.

      (e)   Amounts paid under authority of this section shall be paid fromappropriations forlegislative expense and vouchers therefor shall be prepared by the director oflegislativeadministrative services and approved by the chairperson or vice-chairperson ofthe legislativecoordinating council.

      (f)   The joint committee on Kansas security may introduce such legislation asdeemednecessary in performing such committee's functions.

      (g)   The joint committee on Kansas security shall have the services of thelegislativeresearch department, the office of the revisor of statutes and other centrallegislative staff serviceagencies.

      (h)   The joint committee on Kansas security shall study, monitor, review andmakerecommendations for the following:

      (1)   Matters relating to the security of state officers or employees;

      (2)   security of buildings and property under the ownership or control of thestate ofKansas;

      (3)   matters relating to the security of a public body or agency, publicbuilding or facility;

      (4)   matters relating to the security of the infrastructure of Kansas,including anyinformation system; and

      (5)   measures for the improvement of security for the state of Kansas.

      (i)   The joint committee on Kansas security shall review and monitor federalmoneys received by the state for the purposes of homeland security and otherrelated security matters.

      (j)   The joint committee on Kansas security shall report to the legislature onor beforeDecember 31 each year any findings and recommendations concerning Kansassecurity which the joint committee deems appropriate.

      History:   L. 2004, ch. 134, § 1; July 1.