46-2801. Joint committee on corrections and juvenile justice oversight; membership; duties and functions.


Chapter 46.--LEGISLATURE

      46-2801.   Joint committee on corrections and juvenilejustice oversight;membership; duties and functions.(a) There is hereby created the joint committee on correctionsand juvenile justice oversight which shall be within the legislative branch ofstate governmentand which shall be composed of no more than seven members of the senate andseven membersof the house of representatives.

      (b)   The senate members shall beappointedby the president and the minority leader. The twomajorpolitical parties shall have proportional representation on such committee. Inthe event application of the preceding sentence results in a fraction, theparty having a fraction exceeding .5 shall receive representation as thoughsuchfraction were a whole number.

      (c)   The seven representative members shall beappointed as follows:

      (1)   Two members shall be members of the majority party whoare members of the house committee on appropriations and shall beappointed by the speaker;

      (2)   two members shall be members of the majority party whoare members of the house committee on judiciary and shall beappointed by the speaker; and

      (3)   three members shall be members of the minority party who aremembers of the house committee on appropriations or the house committee onjudiciary and shall be appointedby the minorityleader.

      (d)   Any vacancy in the membership of the joint committee oncorrections and juvenile justice oversight shall be filled byappointment in the manner prescribed by this section for theoriginal appointment.

      (e)   All members of the joint committee on corrections and juvenile justiceoversight shall serve for terms ending on the first day of the regularlegislative session in odd-numbered years.The joint committee shall organize annually and elect a chairperson andvice-chairperson in accordance with this subsection. Duringodd-numbered years,the chairperson shall be one of the representative members of the jointcommittee elected by the membersof the joint committee and the vice-chairperson shall be one of the senatemembers elected by the members of the joint committee.During even-numbered years,the chairperson shall be one of the senate members of the joint committeeelected by the members of the joint committee and the vice-chairperson shallbe one of the representative members of the joint committee elected by themembers of the joint committee.The vice-chairperson shall exercise all of the powersof the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson.If a vacancy occurs in the office of chairperson or vice-chairperson, amember of the joint committee, who is a member of the same house as themember who vacated the office, shall be elected by the members of the jointcommittee to fill such vacancy. Within 30 days after the effective date ofthis act, the joint committee shall organize and elect a chairperson anda vice-chairperson in accordance with the provisions of this act.

      (f)   A quorum of the joint committee on corrections and juvenile justiceoversight shall be eight. All actions of thejoint committee shall be by motion adopted by a majority of those present whenthere is a quorum.

      (g)   The joint committee on corrections and juvenile justice oversight maymeet atany time and at any place within the state on the call of thechairperson,vice-chairperson and ranking minority member of the house of representativeswhen the chairperson is a representative or of the senate when the chairpersonis a senator.

      (h)   The provisions of the acts contained in article 12 of chapter 46of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, applicable tospecial committees shall apply to the joint committee on corrections andjuvenile justice oversight to the extent that the same do not conflict with thespecific provisions of this act applicable to the joint committee.

      (i)   In accordance with K.S.A. 46-1204, and amendments thereto, thelegislativecoordinating council may provide for such professional services as maybe requested by the joint committee on corrections and juvenile justiceoversight.

      (j)   The joint committee on corrections and juvenile justice oversight mayintroduce suchlegislation as it deems necessary in performing its functions.

      (k)   In addition to other powers and duties authorized or prescribed by laworby the legislative coordinating council, the joint committee on corrections andjuvenile justice oversight shall:

      (1)   Monitor the inmate population and review and study the programs,activities and plans ofthe department of corrections regarding the duties of thedepartment of corrections that are prescribed by statute,including the implementation of expansion projects, the operation ofcorrectional, food service and other programs forinmates, community corrections, parole and the condition andoperation of the correctional institutions and other facilitiesunder the control and supervision of the department ofcorrections;

      (2)   monitor the establishment of the juvenile justice authority and reviewand study the programs, activities and plans ofthe juvenile justice authority regarding the duties of thejuvenile justice authority that are prescribed by statute,including the responsibility for the care, custody, control andrehabilitation of juvenile offenders and the condition andoperation of the state juvenile correctional facilities under thecontrol and supervision of the juvenile justice authority;

      (3)   review and study the adult correctional programs andactivities and facilities of counties, cities and other localgovernmental entities, including the programs and activities ofprivate entities operating community correctional programs andfacilities and the condition and operation of jails and otherlocal governmental facilities for the incarceration of adultoffenders;

      (4)   review and study the juvenile offender programs andactivities and facilities of counties, cities, school districtsand other local governmental entities, including programs for thereduction and prevention of juvenile crime and delinquency, theprograms and activities of private entities operating communityjuvenile programs and facilities and the condition and operationof local governmental residential or custodial facilities for thecare, treatment or training of juvenile offenders;

      (5)   study the progress and results of the transition of powers, duties andfunctions from the department of social and rehabilitation services, office ofjudicial administration and department of corrections to thejuvenile justice authority; and

      (6)   make an annual report to the legislative coordinating council asprovidedin K.S.A. 46-1207, and amendments thereto, and such special reports tocommitteesof the house of representatives and senate as are deemed appropriate bythe joint committee.

      History:   L. 1997, ch. 156, § 114;L. 1999, ch. 156, § 21;L. 2003, ch. 27, § 1;L. 2006, ch. 193, § 2; July 1.