46-2701. SRS transition oversight committee; membership; chairperson; meetings, compensation and allowances; duties and reports; committee abolished.


Chapter 46.--LEGISLATURE

      46-2701.   SRS transition oversight committee;membership; chairperson;meetings, compensation and allowances; duties and reports;committee abolished.(a) There is hereby created the SRS transition oversightcommittee. In accordance with this section, the SRS transitionoversight committee in existence on the day immediately preceding the effectivedate of this act is herebycontinued in existence. On and after July 1, 1999, the oversight committeeshall consist of 12 members as follows:

      (1)   Three members who shall be appointed by the chairperson of thehouse appropriationscommittee, from among the members of the house appropriations committee,of whom two are members of the majority party and one is a memberof the minorityparty;

      (2)   three members who shall be appointed by the chairperson of thesenate ways and meanscommittee, from among the members of the senate ways and meanscommittee, of whom two are members of the majority party and one isamember of the minorityparty;

      (3)   two members who shall be appointed by thespeaker of the house ofrepresentatives from among the members of the house committee onhealth and human services, one of whom shall be amember of themajority party and one of whom shall be a member of the minorityparty;

      (4)   two members who shall be appointed by thepresident of the senate fromamong the members of the senate committee on public health andwelfare, one of whom shall be a memberof the majority party andone of whom shall be a member of the minority party; and

      (5)   two members appointed jointly by the speaker of the houseof representatives and the president of the senate from among themembers of the health care reform legislative oversight committee,one of whom shall be a member of the majority party and one of whomshall be a member of the minority party.

      (b) (1)   The terms of office of all members of the SRS transitionoversightcommittee serving on June 30, 1999, are hereby continued until June 30,2001. The vice-chairperson of the SRS transition oversight committee on June 30,1999, shall on July 1, 1999, become chairperson of such committee, and thechairperson of the SRS transition oversight committee on June 30, 1999, shallon July 1, 1999, become vice-chairperson of such committee. The chairperson andvice-chairperson of the SRS transition oversight committee serving in suchoffices on July 1, 1999, shall continue in such offices until June 30,2000. The vice-chairperson of the SRS transition oversight committee on June30, 2000, shall on July 1, 2000, become chairperson of such committee, and thechairperson of the SRS transition oversight committee on June 30, 2000, shallon July 1, 2000, become vice-chairperson of such committee. The chairperson andvice-chairperson of the SRS transition oversight committee serving in suchoffices on July 1, 2000, shall continue in such offices until June 30,2001.

      (2)   If a vacancy occurs in the office of any member of the SRS transitionoversight committee, a successor shall be appointed in the same manner as theoriginal appointment.

      (c)   The oversight committee shall meet on call of the chairperson. All such meetings shall beheld in Topeka unless authorized to be held in a different place by thelegislative coordinating council. Members of the oversight committee shallreceive compensation and travel expenses and subsistence expenses or allowancesas provided in K.S.A. 75-3212 and amendments thereto, when attending meetingsof such committee.

      (d) (1)   The oversight committee shall monitor thelong-term care programs that were transferred from the secretary ofsocial and rehabilitationservices to the secretary of aging. The oversight committee shall ensure thatthe transferofthe long-term care programs does not lead to a loss of services by consumers.

      (2)   The oversight committee shall monitor, review and make recommendationsrelating toprivatization efforts at the state hospitals, the closure ofhospital beds, the downsizing of staff, the closure of Topeka statehospital and Winfield state hospital and training center, thefunding of community services and the availability of adequatecommunity services.

      (3)   The oversight committee shall monitor, review and makerecommendations relating to (A) privatization of children serviceprograms of the department of social and rehabilitation servicesincluding family preservation, foster care and adoptionprograms, (B) privatization of child support collection programs and anyother programs of the department of social and rehabilitation services, and (C)privatization of any programs of the department on aging.

      (4)   The SRS transition oversight committee shall monitor, review and makerecommendations relating to federal social welfare reform laws and theregulationsand policies implementing such laws and the activities of the department ofsocial and rehabilitation services relating to such federal laws, regulationsand policies and the operation of the home and community based servicesprograms.

      (5)   The oversight committee shall:

      (A)   Prepare an interim report on findings and recommendationswhich shall be provided to the legislature on or before the firstday of the legislative session;

      (B)   prepare a final report on findings and recommendationswhich shall be provided to the legislatureon or before the firstday of the 2001 legislative session.

      (e)   The SRS transition oversight committee is herebyabolished on July 1,2001.

      History:   L. 1996, ch. 271, § 19;L. 1999, ch. 118, § 3; July 1.