46-2303. Joint committee on state-tribal relations.
46-2303. Joint committeeon state-tribal relations.(a) The joint committee on gaming compacts is hereby reconstituted as thejoint committee on state-tribal relations. The joint committee shall consistof 12 members as follows: (1) Five members of the senate and five members ofthe house of representatives; and (2) the governor or the governor's designeeand the attorney general or the attorney general's designee. Of the membersappointed from the senate, three shallbeappointed by the president of the senate and two shall be appointed by theminority leader of the senate. Of the members appointed from the house ofrepresentatives, three shall be appointed by the speaker of the house ofrepresentatives and two by the minority leader of the house ofrepresentatives. Such members shall be selected only from the membership ofthe standing committees on federal and state affairs, judiciary, taxation andassessment and taxation. All legislative members of the joint committee shallserve for terms ending on the first day of the regular legislative session inodd-numbered years.
(b) At the commencement of each regular session of thelegislature, the governor or the governor's designee shall call anorganizational meeting of the joint committee. The governor or the governor'sdesignee shall serve as a temporary chairperson at the organizational meetinguntil achairperson is elected as provided by this subsection. The members of thejointcommitteeshall organize by electing fromitsmembership a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. During odd-numbered years,the chairperson shall be a member from the senate and the vice-chairpersonshall be a member from the house of representatives. During even-numberedyears, the chairperson shall be a member from the house of representatives andthe vice-chairperson shall be a member from the senate. The vice-chairpersonshall exercise all of the powers and duties of the chairperson in the absenceof the chairperson.The rankingminority member of the joint committee shall be the ranking minority member ofthe senate when the chairperson is a member of the senate or the rankingminority member of the house of representatives when the chairperson is amember of the house of representatives.
(c) A quorum of the joint committee onstate-tribal relations shall be six.Actions of the joint committee recommendingthat a resolution approving a proposed compact be adopted or not be adoptedshall be only on the affirmative vote of eightor more members of the joint committee, at least four of whomshall be senatorsand atleast four of whom shall be members of the house ofrepresentatives.Action of the joint committeeto report without recommendation a resolution approving a compact may be on theaffirmative vote of any five or more legislative members of thecommittee.The governor or the governor's designee and the attorney general or theattorney general's designee shall not have the power to vote on an actionapproving or disapproving a compact or an action to report withoutrecommendation a resolution approving a compact.All otheractions of the joint committee may betaken by a majority of those present when thereis a quorum.
(d) The joint committee may meetat any time andat any place within the state on the call of the chairperson. The jointcommittee may appoint subcommittees as deemed appropriate. Members of thejoint committee and subcommittees thereof, shall receive compensation, travel,subsistence allowance and mileage as provided by K.S.A. 75-3212, and amendmentsthereto, when attending meetings of the joint committee or subcommitteethereof.
(e) The provisions of the acts contained in article 12 ofchapter 46 ofthe Kansas Statutes Annotated, and amendments thereto, applicable tospecial committees shall apply to the joint committee to the extent that thesame do not conflict with the specificprovisions of this act applicable to the joint committee.
(f) In accordance with K.S.A. 46-1204, andamendments thereto, thelegislative coordinating council may provide for such professional servicesas may be requested by the joint committee on state-tribal relations.
(g) The joint committee:
(1) May establish and transmit to the governor proposed guidelinesreflecting the public policies andstate interests, as embodied in the constitution, statutes and case law of thestate of Kansas, consistent with the Indian gaming regulatory act (25 U.S.C.2701 et seq.), that the joint committeewill consider in reviewingproposed compacts;
(2) may recommend to the governor that any gaming compact provide for theimposition and collection of state sales and excise taxes on sales of nongaminggoods and services to persons other than tribal membersand imposition andcollection of state income tax on revenues derived from sales of nongaminggoods and services;
(3) may hold public hearings on proposed gaming compactssubmitted to the joint committee by the governor;
(4) shall recommend modification ofproposed gamingcompacts submitted by the governor and introduce resolutions approving proposedgaming compacts submitted by thegovernor and recommend that such resolutions be adopted or be not adopted, orreport such resolutions without recommendation, andnotify the governor, in writing, of the joint committee's action;
(5) shall meet, discuss and hold hearings on issues concerning state andtribal relations;
(6) may make recommendations on issues concerning stateand tribal relations; and
(7) may introduce such legislation as deemed necessary inperformingitsfunctions.
History: L. 1993, ch. 4, § 3;L. 1999, ch. 139, § 5;L. 2001, ch. 72, § 1; July 1.