46-222. "Lobbyist" defined; exceptions.


Chapter 46.--LEGISLATURE

      46-222.   "Lobbyist" defined; exceptions.(a) "Lobbyist" means: (1) Any person employed in considerable degree forlobbying; (2) any person formally appointed as the primaryrepresentative of an organization or other person to lobby in person onstate-owned or leased property; or (3) any person who makes expendituresin an aggregate amount of $100 or more,exclusiveof personal travel and subsistence expenses, in any calendar year forlobbying.

      (b)   Lobbyist shall not include: (1) Any state officer or employeeengaged in carrying out the duties of their office; (2) theemployer of a lobbyist, if such lobbyist has registered the name andaddress of such employer under K.S.A. 46-265 and amendments thereto; (3)anynonprofit organization which has qualified under paragraph (3) ofsubsection (c) of section 501 of the internal revenue code of 1954, asamended, which is interstate in its operations and of which a primarypurpose is the nonpartisan analysis, study or research of legislativeprocedures or practices and the dissemination of the results thereof tothe public, irrespective of whether such organization may recommend acourse of action as a result of such analysis, study or research; (4)any justice or commissioner of the supreme court or judge of thejudicial branch or employee or officer of the judicial branch or, anymember of a board, council or commission who is appointed by the supremecourt or who is elected or appointed to exercise duties pertaining tofunctions of the judicial branch, when such person is engaged inperforming a function or duty for the judicial branch; or (5) anyappointed member of an advisory council, commission or board, who serveswithout compensation other than amounts for expense allowances orreimbursement of expenses as provided for in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 75-3223and amendments thereto, when such member is engagedin performing a function or duty for such council, commission or board.

      History:   L. 1974, ch. 353, § 8; L. 1975, ch. 272, § 2;L. 1991, ch. 150, § 23; July 1.