46-1212a. Division of legislative administrative services established; director and assistants; compensation and expenses; duties.
46-1212a. Division of legislative administrative services established;director and assistants; compensation and expenses; duties.(a) There is hereby established the division of legislativeadministrative services whose head shall be the director of legislativeadministrative services and who shall be appointed by the legislativecoordinating council to serve under its direction. The director oflegislative administrative services may be removed from office by a vote offive (5) members of the legislative coordinating council taken at anyregular meeting of such council. The director of legislative administrativeservices shall receive such compensation as is determined by thelegislative coordinating council. Such director, and any of such director'sassistants specified by the legislative coordinating council, shall receiveexpenses and allowances for in-state and out-of-state travel as is providedby law for members of the legislature. Such director shall appoint suchassistants and employees of the division of legislative administrativeservices as are authorized by the legislative coordinating council andshall set their compensation subject to the approval of such council. Suchdirector and all assistants and employees of the division of legislativeadministrative services shall be in the unclassified service.
(b) The division of legislative administrative services shall provideadministrative staff services to and for the elected officers and themajority and minority leaders of the house of representatives and thesenate and for the legislative branch, as directed by the legislativecoordinating council, by performing the following functions:
(1) Acquiring legislative equipment, facilities and supplies.
(2) Administering the personnel documents and records of members of thelegislature and employees of the legislative branch, except officers andemployees of the legislative research department, office of revisor ofstatutes, division of post audit and such other legislative commissions asmay be specifically excepted herefrom by law.
(3) Recruiting and supervising personnel for administrative andsecretarial duties as specified by the legislative coordinating council.
(4) Working with the legislative research department to provide noticesin appropriate detail of legislative study committee meetings and suchother matters as are directed by the legislative coordinating council.
(5) Performing such other duties as directed by the legislativecoordinating council.
History: L. 1975, ch. 271, § 1; Feb. 3.