46-1004. Investigating committees authorized to exercise compulsory process, when.
46-1004. Investigating committees authorized to exercisecompulsory process, when.(a) The following investigating committees are authorized to exercisethe powers of compulsory process in connection with any authorizedsubject of inquiry, study or investigation at any time without furtherauthorization:
The legislative coordinating council, the legislative budgetcommittee, the standing committee on ways and means of thesenate, the standing committee on appropriations of the house, thelegislative post audit committee or any committee which is specificallygranted powers of compulsory process by legislative enactment or byconcurrent resolution of the legislature or any authorized subcommitteeof any such committee or the council.
(b) When the legislature is in session, or adjourned for not morethan 30 days, the following investigating committees areauthorized to exercise the powers of compulsory process in connectionwith any authorized subject of inquiry, study or investigation:
(1) Any standing, special or select committee of the house ofrepresentatives, when authorized by the speaker; or
(2) Any standing, special or select committee of the senate, whenauthorized by the president.
(c) The following investigating committees are authorized toexercise the powers of compulsory process in connection with anyauthorized subject of inquiry, study or investigation only whenspecifically authorized to do so by the legislative coordinatingcouncil:
(1) Any special or select committee appointed by the legislativecoordinating council, except the legislative budget committee; or
(2) The joint committee on special claims against the state or thejoint committee on administrative rules and regulations; or
(3) Any investigating committee as described in subsection (c) orsubsection (d) of K.S.A. 46-1001 and amendments thereto when no specific statute orresolution of the legislature authorizes the exercise by such committeeof compulsory process.
(d) The limitations of subsections (b) and (c) do not apply tosubsection (a). The limitations of subsection (b) do not apply tosubsection (c) and the limitations of subsection (c) do not apply tosubsection (b).
History: L. 1970, ch. 201, § 4; L. 1971, ch. 184, § 31; L. 1973,ch. 210, § 1; L. 1978, ch. 204, § 3;L. 1987, ch. 196, § 6; Feb. 19.