45-301. Enrollment, engrossment and printing of bills, resolutions and other papers of the legislature.
45-301. Enrollment, engrossment and printing of bills, resolutionsand other papers of the legislature.(a) All bills and resolutions which shall have been finally passed oradopted by both houses of the legislature shall be enrolled by printingat the state printing plant on parchment paper, and such enrolled billsor resolutions shall be taken and held by the legislature and by eachhouse thereof and by all courts to be the only proper enrolled bill orresolution. Papers other than bills or resolutions shall be enrolledonly upon direction of the rules of the legislature or by direction ofone or both houses thereof and reference in this act to "other papers"means such papers ordered to be enrolled. "Resolution" as used in thisact means concurrent resolutions.
(b) Bills, resolutions or other papers of the legislature may betransmitted by the chief clerk of the house of representatives or thesecretary of the senate to the revisor of statutes for preliminaryengrossment, and upon completion of such preliminary engrossment, thesame shall be returned to the officer who transmitted it to the revisorof statutes. Notwithstanding any preliminary engrossment of a bill,resolution or other paper the division of printing shall printsucceeding versions of each bill or resolution in such form as isprovided by K.S.A. 45-317 or in such form as is provided byconcurrent resolution hereafter adopted. All bills, resolutions andother papers shall be transmitted to the revisor of statutes for finalengrossment upon final passage or adoption by both houses of thelegislature. The revisor of statutes shall upon completion of finalengrossment of any bill, resolution or other paper return the same tothe house of its origin.
(c) Upon receipt of each finally engrossed bill, resolution or otherpaper by the secretary of the senate or the chief clerk of the house,such officer shall cause the same to be inspected, checked andtransmitted to the division of printing for printing of the enrolledversion of such bill, resolution or other paper. Upon receipt by thedivision of printing of any finally engrossed bill, resolution or otherpaper, it shall be printed in the form of an enrolled bill as providedby this act, and the division of printing shall thereupon return thesame to the chief clerk of the house in the case of bills, resolutionsand other papers which originated in the house of representatives and tothe secretary of the senate in the case of bills, resolutions and otherpapers which originated in the senate. Upon receipt of any printedenrolled bill, resolution or other paper from the division of printing,the secretary of the senate or the chief clerk of the house, as the casemay be, shall cause the same to be proofread, and shall direct thedivision of printing to correct all errors. The division of printingshall provide individual copies of enrolled bills to the secretary ofstate, the attorney general, chief clerk of the house ofrepresentatives, secretary of the senate and the office of revisor ofstatutes in such quantities as are requested, subject to distribution asauthorized by the legislative coordinating council.
(d) Enrolled bills, resolutions and other papers shall be printed inroman style type, except (1) material added to an existing section ofthe statutes shall be printed in italic style type, and (2) materialdeleted from an existing section of the statutes shall be printed incanceled type. Enrolled concurrent resolutions for propositions to amendthe constitution of the state of Kansas shall be printed in roman styletype. Enrolled resolutions of either house and concurrent resolutionsmay be printed on an embellished parchment with type and otherappointments approved by the legislative coordinating council.
History: L. 1969, ch. 249, § 1; L. 1973, ch. 208, § 1; L. 1975,ch. 265, § 1; L. 1977, ch. 185, § 1; April 21.