45-229. Legislative review of exceptions to disclosure; continuation of sections listed.



      45-229.   Legislative review of exceptions todisclosure; continuation of sections listed.(a) It is the intent of the legislature that exceptions to disclosure under theopen records act shall be created or maintained only if:

      (1)   The public record is of a sensitive or personal nature concerningindividuals;

      (2)   the public record is necessary for the effective and efficientadministration of a governmental program; or

      (3)   the public record affects confidential information.

      The maintenance or creation of an exception to disclosure must be compelled asmeasured by these criteria. Further, the legislature finds that the public hasa right to have access to public records unless the criteria in this sectionfor restricting such access to a public record are met and the criteria areconsidered during legislative review in connection with the particularexception to disclosure to be significant enough to override the strong publicpolicy of open government. To strengthen the policy of open government, thelegislature shall consider the criteria in this section before enacting anexception to disclosure.

      (b)   Subject to the provisions of subsection (h), allexceptions to disclosure in existence on July 1, 2000, shall expireon July 1, 2005, and any new exception to disclosure or substantial amendmentof an existing exception shall expire on July 1 of the fifth year afterenactment of the new exception or substantial amendment, unless the legislatureacts to continue the exception. A law that enacts a newexception or substantially amends an existing exception shall state that theexception expires at the end of five years and that the exception shall bereviewed by the legislature before the scheduled date.

      (c)   For purposes of this section, an exception is substantially amended ifthe amendment expands the scope of the exception to include more records orinformation. An exception is not substantially amended if the amendment narrowsthe scope of the exception.

      (d)   This section is not intended to repeal an exception that has been amendedfollowing legislative review before the scheduled repeal of the exception ifthe exception is not substantially amended as a result of the review.

      (e)   In the year before the expiration of an exception, the revisor ofstatutes shall certify to the president of the senate and the speaker of thehouse of representatives, by July 15, the language andstatutory citation ofeach exception which will expire in the following year which meets the criteriaof an exception as defined in this section. Any exception that is notidentified and certified to the president of the senate and the speaker of thehouse of representatives is not subject to legislative review and shall notexpire. If the revisor of statutes fails to certify an exception that therevisor subsequently determines should have been certified, the revisor shallinclude the exception in the following year's certification after thatdetermination.

      (f)   "Exception" means any provision of law which creates an exception todisclosure or limits disclosure under the open records act pursuant to K.S.A.45-221, and amendments thereto, or pursuant to any other provision of law.

      (g)   A provision of law which creates or amends an exception to disclosureunder the open records law shall not be subject to review and expiration underthis act if such provision:

      (1)   Is required by federal law;

      (2)   applies solely to the legislature or to the state court system.

      (h) (1)   The legislature shall review the exception before its scheduledexpiration and consider as part of the review process the following:

      (A)   What specific records are affected by the exception;

      (B)   whom does the exception uniquely affect, as opposed tothe general public;

      (C)   what is the identifiable public purpose or goal of the exception;

      (D)   whether the information contained in the records may be obtained readilyby alternative means and how it may be obtained;

      (2)   An exception may be created or maintained only if it serves anidentifiable public purpose and may be no broader than is necessary to meet thepublic purpose it serves. An identifiable public purpose is served if thelegislature finds that the purpose is sufficiently compelling to override thestrong public policy of open government and cannot be accomplished without theexception and if the exception:

      (A)   Allows the effective and efficient administration of agovernmental program, which administration would be significantlyimpaired without the exception;

      (B)   protects information of a sensitive personal nature concerningindividuals, the release of which information would be defamatory to suchindividuals or cause unwarranted damage to the good name or reputation of suchindividuals or would jeopardize the safety of such individuals. Onlyinformation that would identify the individuals may be excepted under thisparagraph; or

      (C)   protects information of a confidential nature concerning entities,including, but not limited to, a formula, pattern, device, combination ofdevices, or compilation of information which is used to protect or further abusiness advantage over those who do not know or use it, the disclosure ofwhich information would injure the affected entity in the marketplace.

      (3)   Records made before the date of the expiration of an exception shall besubject to disclosure as otherwise provided by law. In deciding whether therecords shall be made public, the legislature shall consider whether the damageor loss to persons or entities uniquely affected by the exception of the typespecified in paragraph (2)(B) or (2)(C) of this subsection (h) would occur ifthe records were made public.

      (i)   Exceptions contained in the following statutes as certified by therevisor of statutes to the president of the senate and the speaker of the houseof representatives pursuant to subsection (e) of this section on June 1, 2004,are hereby continued in existence until July 1, 2010, at which time suchexceptions shall expire: 1-401, 2-1202, 5-512, 9-1137, 9-1712, 9-2217, 10-630,11-306,12-189, 12-1,108, 12-1694, 12-1698, 12-2819, 12-4516, 16-715, 16a-2-304,17-1312e, 17-2227, 17-5832, 17-7503, 17-7505, 17-7511, 17-7514, 17-76,139,19-4321, 21-2511, 22-3711, 22-4707, 22-4909, 22a-243, 22a-244, 23-605,23-9,312, 25-4161, 25-4165, 31-405, 34-251, 38-1508, 38-1520, 38-1565, 38-1609,38-1610, 38-1618, 38-1664, 39-709b, 39-719e, 39-934, 39-1434, 39-1704, 40-222,40-2,156, 40-2c20, 40-2c21, 40-2d20, 40-2d21, 40-409, 40-956, 40-1128, 40-2807,40-3012, 40-3304, 40-3308, 40-3403b, 40-3421, 40-3613, 40-3805, 40-4205,44-510j, 44-550b, 44-594, 44-635, 44-714, 44-817, 44-1005, 44-1019,subsections (a)(1) through (43) of 45-221,46-256, 46-259, 46-2201, 47-839, 47-844, 47-849, 47-1709, 48-1614, 49-406,49-427, 55-1,102, 56-1a606, 56-1a607, 56a-1201, 56a-1202, 58-4114, 59-2135,59-2802, 59-2979, 59-29b79, 60-3333, 60-3336, 65-102b, 65-118, 65-119,65-153f, 65-170g, 65-177, 65-1,106, 65-1,113, 65-1,116, 65-1,157a, 65-1,163,65-1,165, 65-1,168, 65-1,169, 65-1,171, 65-1,172, 65-436, 65-445, 65-507,65-525, 65-531, 65-657, 65-1135, 65-1467, 65-1627, 65-1831, 65-2422d, 65-2438,65-2836, 65-2839a, 65-2898a, 65-3015, 65-3447, 65-34,108, 65-34,126, 65-4019,65-4608, 65-4922, 65-4925, 65-5602, 65-5603, 65-6002, 65-6003, 65-6004,65-6010, 65-67a05, 65-6803, 65-6804, 66-101c, 66-117, 66-151, 66-1,190,66-1,203, 66-1220a, 66-2010, 72-996, 72-4311, 72-4452, 72-5214, 72-53,106,72-5427, 72-8903, 73-1228, 74-2424, 74-2433f, 74-4905, 74-4909, 74-50,131,74-5515, 74-7308, 74-7338, 74-7405a, 74-8104, 74-8307, 74-8705, 74-8804,74-9805, 75-104, 75-712, 75-7b15, 75-1267, 75-2943, 75-4332, 75-4362, 75-5133,75-5266, 75-5665, 75-5666, 75-7310, 76-355, 76-359, 76-493, 76-12b11, 76-3305,79-1119, 79-1437f, 79-15,118, 79-3234, 79-3395, 79-3420, 79-3499, 79-34,113,79-3614, 79-3657, 79-4301 and 79-5206.

      (j)   Exceptions contained in the following statutes as certified by therevisor of statutes to the president of the senate and the speaker of the houseof representatives pursuant to subsection (e) of this section on June 1, 2005,are hereby continued in existence until July 1, 2011, at which time suchexceptionsshall expire: 1-501, 9-1303, 12-4516a, 38-1692, 39-970, 40-4913, 65-525,65-5117, 65-6016, 65-6017 and 74-7508.

      (k)   Exceptions contained in the following statutes as certified bythe revisor of statutes to the president of the senate and the speaker ofthe house of representatives pursuant to subsection (e) during2006, 2007 and 2008 are hereby continued in existence until July 1, 2014,at which time such exceptions shall expire: 8-240, 8-247, 8-255c, 8-1324,8-1325, 12-17,150, 12-2001,12-5332, 17-12a607, 38-1008, 38-2209,40-5006, 40-5108, 41-2905, 41-2906,44-706, 44-1518,subsections (a)(44), (45), (46) and (47) of 45-221, 56-1a610, 56a-1204,65-1,243,65-3239, 66-1233,74-50,184, 74-8134, 74-99b06 and 82a-2210.

      History:   L. 2000, ch. 156, § 8;L. 2005, ch. 126, § 2;L. 2006, ch. 87, § 1;L. 2007, ch. 195, § 28;L. 2009, ch. 45, § 2; July 1.