45-106. Session laws; disposition of volumes by secretary of state.
45-106. Session laws; disposition of volumes by secretary of state.The secretary of state shall dispose of the laws passed at each sessionof the legislature, immediately after their publication, as follows:
First. Deposit in the state library such numbers of copies asare needed for use in the state library, for the purposes of thepublication collection and depository system established under K.S.A.75-2566 and amendments thereto, and for the purpose of makingexchanges with the libraries of the several states and territories.
Second. Distribute (a) one copy to the governor, lieutenant governor,eachmember of the state legislature, attorney general,secretary of state, and state historical society library; (b)to each organized city of the first, secondand third classes in this state requesting the same; (c) one copy eachtothe clerk of the United States court ofappeals for the 10th circuit, to the clerk of the United States districtcourt for Kansas and to the UnitedStates marshal for thedistrict of Kansas, upon request therefor; (d) tothe law department of theuniversity of Kansas, not more than 10 copies and to theWashburn university schoolof law, not more than 10 copies, upon request therefor;(e) to the director of legislative administrative services such number ofcopies as such director shall request for use by the legislature; (f) tothe office of revisor of statutessuch number of copiesas the revisor of statutes shall request for use in such office;(g) to the legislative research department such number of copies as thedirector of legislative research shall request for use insuch office;(h) to the division of post audit such number of copies as the post auditorshall request for use in such office; (i) to the several offices of the judicial branch of state government suchnumber of copies as the chief justice of the supreme court shall requestfor use in such offices;and (j) to the supreme court lawlibrary such number of copies as the state law librarian shall requestfor use in the law library and for the purpose of maintaining exchangesfor books, documents and publications of a legal nature for use in thelaw library.
Third. To the clerk of the board of county commissioners of eachcounty, upon request therefor, a sufficient number of copies of thelaws to be distributed by suchclerk to each of the following officers in such county,allowing one for each: The district attorney or countyattorney, register of deeds, county clerk, countytreasurer, sheriff, and the board of county commissioners.
Fourth. Copies of the laws passed at each session ofthe legislature shall be deposited with the state librarian and suchlibrarian is hereby authorized to furnish one copy to each high school,college, university, and public library in the stateof Kansas, upon written applicationof its managing officer to the statelibrarian.
History: G.S. 1868, ch. 56, § 6; L. 1886, ch. 123, § 2; L. 1915,ch. 341, § 2; R.S. 1923, 45-106; L. 1955, ch. 253, § 1; L. 1972, ch.196, § 1; L. 1973, ch. 207, § 1; L. 1974, ch. 135, § 12; L. 1975,ch. 462, § 55; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 199; L. 1977, ch. 184, § 1;L. 1988, ch. 177, § 1;L. 1990, ch. 339, § 1; July 1.