44-806. Annual report; form and content; alternative filing of federal reports; fee.



      44-806.   Annual report; form and content; alternative filing of federalreports; fee.(a) Every labor organization operating in the state of Kansas and having100 or more members shall file an annual report in writingwith the secretary of state on or before April 15, showing the conditionof such labor organization at the close of business on the December 31next preceding the date of filing or at the close ofbusiness on the last day of the organization's fiscal year nextpreceding the date of filing. The secretary of state may upon showing ofreasonable cause grant an extension of time for filing.

      (b)   The annual report shall be in such form as the secretary of state mayprescribe, and shall show the following facts:

      (1)   The name of the labor organization;

      (2)   the location and mailing address of its office;

      (3)   the name and title of each of its officers and registeredbusiness agents, together with the salaries, wages, bonuses, and otherremuneration paid each, and the mailing address of each;

      (4)   the date of the regular election of officers of such labororganization;

      (5)   the rate of its initiation fees, dues, assessments and any othercharges against its members; and

      (6)   an audited statement of the income, expenditures, assets andliabilities of the labor organization.

      (c)   In lieu of filing an annual report in the form prescribed by thesecretary of state under subsection (b) of this section, the labororganization may file copies of the reports required to be filed withthe United States department of labor by the labor management reportingand disclosure act of 1959, 29 U.S.C.A. § 431, et seq., asfollows:

      (1)   By having on file with the secretary of state a copy of thelabor organization information report form LM-1 which is currently onfile with the United States department of labor; and

      (2)   by filing annually as required in subsection (a) of thissection, a copy of the labor organization annual report form LM-2 orform LM-3 which is filed with the United States department of labor andcovers a reporting period specified in subsection (a).

      (d)   At the time of filing the annual report it shall be the duty of everysuch labor organization to pay the secretary of state an annual feetherefor in the sum of $5.

      History:   L. 1943, ch. 191, § 5; L. 1974, ch. 207, § 5; L. 1980,ch. 150, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 363, § 7; July 1.