44-804. Registration of business agents; annual fee.



      44-804.   Registration of business agents; annual fee.(a) Every person, desiring to operate as a business agent in the stateof Kansas, shall, before doing so, obtain a registration certificatefrom the secretary of state by filing an application therefor,accompanied by a registration fee of $12.50.

      (b)   No person shall beissued a registration certificate unless:

      (1)   The applicant is a citizen of the United States;

      (2)   the name and address of the applicant and the length ofthe applicant's residence in the state of Kansas are stated in the application; and

      (3)   the application is accompanied by a statement signed by thepresident and secretary of the labor organization for whom the applicant will actas business agent, showing the applicant's authority to do so.

      (c)   Unless it has been surrendered, suspended or revoked at an earlierdate, the registration certificate shall be valid for the calendaryear in which it was obtained and shall expire on December 31 or, for registrationcertificates obtained after December 31, 1982, each such registration certificatemay be valid for the fiscal year of the labor organization represented bythe business agent in which the certificate was obtained and shall expireon the last day of such fiscal year.

      History:   L. 1943, ch. 191, § 3; L. 1974, ch. 207, § 3; L. 1982,ch. 363, § 6; July 1.