44-623. Orders as to minimum or standard wage; accounts pending investigations.



      44-623.   Orders as to minimum or standard wage; accounts pending investigations.Any order made by the secretary of labor as to aminimum wage or astandard of wages shall be deemed prima facie reasonable and just, and ifthe minimum wage or standard of wages shall be in excess ofthe wagestheretofore paid in the industry, employment, utility or common carrier,then and in that event the workers affected thereby shall be entitled toreceive the minimum wage or standard of wages from the dateof the serviceof summons or publication of notice instituting theinvestigation, andshall have the right individually, or in case of incorporated unions orassociations, or unincorporated unions or associations entitled thereto,collectively, to recover in any court of competent jurisdiction thedifference between the wages actually paid and the minimumwage orstandard of wages so found and determined by the court insuch order.

      It shall be the duty of all employers affected by the provisions of thisact, during the pendency of any investigation brought under this act, orany litigation resulting therefrom, to keep an accurate account of allwages paid to all workers interested in the investigation orproceedings.In the event the order shall fix a wage or standard ofwages which is lower than the wages theretofore paid in the industry,employment, utility or common carrier affected, then and in that event theemployers shall have the same right to recover in the same manner asprovided in this section with reference to the workers.

      History:   L. 1920, ch. 29, § 23; R.S. 1923, 44-623;L. 1976, ch. 370, § 40;L. 2004, ch. 179, § 39; July 1.