44-617. Violations of act; quitting employment; picketing; intimidation.



      44-617.   Violations of act; quitting employment; picketing;intimidation.It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or for anyassociation of persons, to do or perform any act forbidden, or to fail orrefuse to perform any act or duty enjoined by the provisions of this act,or to conspire or confederate with others to do or perform any actforbidden, or to fail or refuse to perform any act or duty enjoined by theprovisions of this act, or to induce or intimidate any person, firm orcorporation engaged in any of said industries, employments, utilities orcommon carriers to do any act forbidden, or to fail or refuse to performany act or duty enjoined by the provisions of this act, for the purpose orwith the intent to hinder, delay, limit, or suspend the operation of any ofthe industries, employments, utilities or common carriers herein specifiedor indicated, or to delay, limit, or suspend the production ortransportation of the products of such industries, or employments, or theservice of such utilities or common carriers: Provided, That nothingin this act shall be construed as restricting the right of any individualemployee engaged in the operation of any such industry, employment, publicutility, or common carrier to quit his employment at any time, but it shallbe unlawful for any such individual employee or other person to conspirewith other persons to quit their employment or to induce other persons toquit their employment for the purpose of hindering, delaying, interferingwith, or suspending the operation of any of the industries, employments,public utilities, or common carriers governed by the provisions of thisact, or for any person to engage in what is known as "picketing," or tointimidate by threats, abuse or in any other manner, any person or personswith intent to induce such person or persons to quit such employment, orfor the purpose of deterring or preventing any other person or persons fromaccepting employment or from remaining in the employ of any of theindustries, employments, public utilities, or common carriers governed bythe provisions of this act.

      History:   L. 1920, ch. 29, § 17; Jan. 24; R.S. 1923, 44-617.