44-505b. County as self-insurer; establishment of reserve fund; retransfers.



      44-505b.   County as self-insurer; establishment of reserve fund; retransfers.The board of county commissioners of any county may act as aself-insurer under the workmen's compensation act. If the board doeselect to act as a self-insurer under that act, such board shall byresolution create a separate fund in the budget of such county to be a reservefund for the payment of workmen's compensation claims, judgments,and expenses. Such board may provide money for such reserve fund at anytime by transfer of money from the road and bridge fund of said countyin such amount as the board deems necessary, and notwithstanding any lawprohibiting the transfer of any part of one fund to another, the countytreasurer of such county, upon receipt of a certified copy of theresolution of the board of county commissioners authorizing suchtransfer of funds, shall transfer the amount so authorized from the roadand bridge fund of such county to the workmen's compensationreserve fund.Payments from the reserve fund so created are to be made by check of thecounty treasurer upon written order from the board of countycommissioners. The balance remaining in the reserve fund at the end ofthe fiscal year shall be carried forward into the reserve fund forsucceeding fiscal years. Such fund shall not be subject to the provisionsof K.S.A. 79-2925 to 79-2937, inclusive, and acts amendatory thereof andsupplemental thereto, except that in making the budget, the amounts creditedto and the amount on hand in such reserve fund, and the amount expendedtherefrom, shall be included in the annual budget of the county for theinformation of the residents. Interest earned on the investment of moneysin such fund shall be credited to such fund.

      If the board of county commissioners shall determine on an actuarial basisthat money which has been credited to such fund, or any part thereof,is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was established, the boardmay transfer such amount not needed to the fund from which the money wasreceived. Any money so transferred shall be budgeted in accordance withthe provisions of K.S.A. 79-2925 to 79-2937, inclusive, and acts amendatorythereof or supplemental thereto.

      History:   L. 1968, ch. 170, § 1; L. 1974, ch. 203, § 5; L. 1980,ch. 145, § 3; July 1.