44-322. Enforcement; hearings; powers of secretary; contempt.



      44-322.   Enforcement; hearings; powers of secretary; contempt.(a) The secretary shall enforce and administer the provisions of thisact and the secretary or authorized representatives of the secretary are empowered tohold hearings and otherwise to investigate violations or alleged violationsof this act.

      (b)   The secretary or authorized representativesof the secretary are empowered toenter such places, question such employees and investigate such facts,conditions or matters as they may deem appropriate to determine whether anyperson has violated any provision of this act or any rule or regulationissued hereunder or which may aid in the enforcement of the provisions ofthis act.

      (c)   The secretary or authorized representativesof the secretary shall have thepower to administer oaths and examine witnesses under oath or otherwise,issue compulsory process to compel the attendance of witnesses and theproduction of papers, books, accounts, records, payrolls, documents andtestimony relating to claims for unpaid wages, and to take depositions andaffidavits in the administration of this act.

      (d)   In case of failure of any person to comply with any compulsoryprocess lawfully issued, the secretary may apply to the judge of thedistrict court for citation in contempt and such judge may punish forcontempt, as in other cases of refusal to obey the orders and processes ofthe court.

      History:   L. 1973, ch. 204, § 10; L. 1976, ch. 370, § 6; July 1.