44-320. Notification to employees.



      44-320.   Notification to employees.Each employer shall: (a) Upon the request of the employee, notify suchemployee in writing or as required by a collective bargaining agreement,of the rate of pay and of the day and place of payment.

      (b)   Upon the request of the employee, notify such employee inwriting or through a posted notice maintained in a place accessible tohis employees or as required by a collective bargaining agreement, ofany changes in the arrangements specified in subsection (a) of thissection prior to the time of such changes.

      (c)   Upon the request of the employee, make available to suchemployee in writing or through a posted notice maintained in a placeaccessible to his employees or as required by a collective bargainingagreement, employment practices and policies with regard to vacationpay, sick leave and any other benefits to which the employee is entitledand which have a direct bearing upon wages payable.

      (d)   Furnish each employee, upon request by such employee, with anitemized statement of deductions made from his wages under K.S.A. 44-319for each pay period such deductions are made.

      History:   L. 1973, ch. 204, § 8; July 1.