44-1404. Same; required uses of grants; limitation on costs of administering and acquiring equipment.
44-1404. Same; required uses of grants; limitationon costs ofadministering and acquiring equipment.(a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the secretary may notmake a grant under K.S.A. 44-1402 and amendments thereto to aneligible entity, other thana privatebusiness, unless theentity agrees that such entity will use all amounts received from such grant toestablish and carry out a program to provide wages and related employmentbenefits to eligible individuals described in subsections (a) and (b) ofK.S.A. 44-1405 and amendments thereto for the purpose ofemploying such individuals torepair, maintain orrenovateessential community facilities that are located within the eligiblejurisdiction that the entity serves.
(b) Not more than 10% of amounts received from a grant underK.S.A.44-1402 and amendments thereto forany fiscal year may be used for the cost of administration and the acquisitionof supplies, tools and other equipment.
History: L. 1994, ch. 264, § 4;Revived and amend., L. 1996, ch. 245, § 4; May 23.