44-1209. Recordkeeping requirements; records open to inspection by secretary of human resources.



      44-1209.   Recordkeeping requirements; records open toinspection by secretary of human resources.On and after January 1, 1978, every employer subject to any provision ofK.S.A. 44-1201 to 44-1213, inclusive, or of any rule andregulation adopted pursuant thereto, shall make and keep, for a periodof not less than three (3) years, in or about the premises wherein anyemployee is employed, a record of the name and occupation of eachemployee, the rate of pay and the amount paid each pay period to eachsuch employee, the hours worked each day and each work week by each suchemployee and such other information as the secretary may prescribe byrules and regulations as being necessary or appropriate for theenforcement of the provisions of K.S.A. 44-1201 to 44-1213,inclusive, or of the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Inlieu of the records required under this section, any employer who iscovered under the provisions of the fair labor standards act of 1938, asamended (29 U.S.C.A. § 201 et seq.) and as further amended by the fairlabor standards amendments of 1974 and any other acts amendatory thereofor supplemental thereto, may keep and maintain the records requiredunder said fair labor standards act of 1938, as amended. Such recordsshall be open for inspection or transcription by the secretary or theauthorized representative of the secretary at any reasonable time.

      History:   L. 1977, ch. 179, § 11; July 1.