42-722a. Cedar Bluff irrigation district No. 6; dissolution; procedure.


Chapter 42.--IRRIGATION
Article 7.--DISTRICTS

      42-722a.   Cedar Bluff irrigation district No. 6;dissolution; procedure.The board of directors of Cedar Bluff irrigation district No.6 maypresent a petition, adopted by a majority of the directors, to the chiefengineer requesting the dissolution of such district. The petition shall statethe district has no real property; and that the district is not functioning,had ceased to function and probably will continue inoperative; and that allindebtedness and obligations of the district have been satisfied. Upon findingthat the petition is true, the chief engineer shall issue a certificate induplicate,declaring the irrigation district dissolved, and shall forward the original ofthecertificate to the secretary of state and the duplicate to the secretary of theboard of directors of the irrigation district. The certificate shall: (a)Directthe secretary of the district to file all minutes and records of the districtwith the county clerk of the county wherein the registered office of theirrigation district is located; (b) direct the officer of such district havingcustody of any personal property other than moneys to make such disposition asthe chief engineer deems proper; and (c) direct the treasurer of suchdistrict to distribute moneys held in the name of the district to the owners ofproperty within the irrigation district. Such moneys shall be apportionedto each property owner in thedistrict in the same proportion that the number of irrigable acres owned by aproperty owner, and located in such district, bears to the total number ofirrigable acres in the district. The irrigation district shall be dissolvedand cease to exist uponexpiration of 30 days after the date of the issuance of such certificate, orupon expiration of 30 days after a final order pursuant to K.S.A. 2000 Supp.82a-1901 andamendments thereto or final judicial determination affirming thefindings of the chief engineer, as set out in the certificate, in event that anappeal is taken therefrom.

      History:   L. 1993, ch. 212, § 3;L. 1999, ch. 130, § 3; July 1.