42-371. Purchase of irrigation works by district; election; payment.
42-371. Purchase of irrigation works by district; election; payment. That whenever any irrigation district, formed in the manner hereinbeforeprovided, shall have secured, by issuing bonds as provided for herein, afund for the purchase or construction of irrigation works in said district,the irrigation commissioners herein provided for may submit to thequalified electors of such irrigation district, in the same manner asprovided for herein for the voting of bonds, a proposition to purchase anysuch works, particularly describing the same and giving the details of suchproposed purchase; and at such election those voting in favor of theproposed purchase shall deposit a written or printed ballot containing thewords, "For the purchase," and those voting against such purchase shalldeposit a written or printed ballot containing the words, "Against thepurchase"; and such vote shall be returned and canvassed in all particularsconformably to the like provisions of this article respecting theorganization of such district; and whenever it shall be agreed to purchaseany such irrigation works the vendor of the same shall convey the entireinterest of the vendor, with an unqualified warranty therefor, to saidirrigation district; and the same shall be paid for by the county treasurerout of the funds in his hands to the credit of such irrigation district, onan order signed by the president of said board of irrigation commissionersand attested by the secretary of said board with the seal thereof.
History: L. 1891, ch. 133, art. 7, § 15; May 20; R.S. 1923, 42-371.