42-321. Structures for the prevention of floods and waste; liability for damage.


Chapter 42.--IRRIGATION

      42-321.   Structures for the prevention of floods and waste; liabilityfor damage.The proprietors of every canal, fountain, ditch, conduit or other worksfor conveying, collecting, retaining or storing waters shall construct andalways maintain in good order and repair the dams, locks and gates,embankments, and all other appurtenances thereof, so that the waterconveyed, collected, retained or stored thereby may not flood or damage thepremises of others, or any highway, or unnecessarily run to waste, andshall be liable for all damages resulting from their willful or negligentfailure to comply with any of the provisions of this act, or from theirnegligence in the construction, maintenance or operation of any such works.

      History:   L. 1891, ch. 133, art. 4, § 1; May 20; R.S. 1923, 42-321.