41-317. License applications; forms; fees; bonds.
41-317. License applications; forms; fees;bonds.(a) Applications for all licenses under this act shall be upon formsprescribed and furnished by the director and shall be filed with thedirector in duplicate. Each application shall be accompanied by a stateregistration fee of $50 for each initial application and $10 for each renewalapplication to defray the cost ofpreparing and furnishing standard forms incident to the administration ofthis act and the cost of processing the application. Each application shallalso be accompanied by adeposit of a certified or cashier's check of a bank within this state,United States post office money order or cash in the full amount of thelicense fee required to be paid for the kind of license applied for, whichlicense fee shall be returned to the applicant ifthe application isdenied. All registration fees shall beremitted by thedirector to the state treasurer in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A.75-4215, and amendments thereto. Upon receipt of each such remittance, thestate treasurer shall deposit the entire amount in the state treasuryto the credit of the state general fund. Alllicense feesreceived by the director, including fees received for licenses tomanufacture beer, regardless of its alcoholic content, shall be paid intothe state treasury by the director and shall be credited to the stategeneral fund.
(b) Every applicant for a manufacturer's, distributor's, nonbeverage user's,microbrewery, farm winery,retailer's or special order shipping license shall filewith the application a joint and several bond ona form prescribed by the director and executed by good and sufficient corporatesureties licensed to do business within the state of Kansas to thedirector, in the following amounts:
(1) For a manufacturer, $25,000;
(2) for a spirits distributor, $15,000 or an amount equal to thehighest monthly liability of the distributor for taxes imposed by theKansas liquor control act for any of the 12 months immediately prior torenewal of the distributor's license, whichever amount is greater;
(3) for a beer or wine distributor, $5,000 or an amount equalto the highest monthly liability of the distributor for taxes imposed bythe Kansas liquor control act for any of the 12 months immediately prior torenewal of the distributor's license, whichever amount is greater;
(4) for a retailer, $2,000;
(5) for nonbeverage users, $200 for class 1, $500 for class 2, $1,000for class 3, $5,000 for class 4 and $10,000 for class 5;
(6) for a microbrewery or a farm winery, $2,000; and
(7) for a winery holding a special order shipping license, $750, unless thewinery has already complied with subsection (b)(6).
If a distributor holds or applies for more than one distributor'slicense, only one bond for all such licenses shall be required, which bondshall be in an amount equal to the highest applicable bond.
(c) All bonds required by this section shall be conditioned on the licensee'scompliance with the provisions of this act and payment of all taxes,fines and forfeitures which may be assessed against the licensee.
History: L. 1949, ch. 242, § 33;L. 1953, ch. 238, § 4;L. 1958, ch. 50, § 1 (Budget Session);L. 1983, ch. 161, § 9;L. 1985, ch. 170, § 28;L. 1987, ch. 182, § 26;L. 1989, ch. 146, § 2;L. 2001, ch. 5, § 126;L. 2009, ch. 114, § 5; July 1.