40-3810. Same; certification as an administrator; procedure; fees; duties of commissioner of insurance; hearings.
40-3810. Same; certification as an administrator; procedure; fees; dutiesof commissioner of insurance; hearings.No person shall act as or hold oneself out to bean administratorin this state, unless such person holds acertificate of registrationas an administrator issued by the commissioner of insurance. Applicationfor such certificate shall be made to the commissioner on a form prescribedby such commissioner and shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $100. Suchcertificate may be continued for successive annual periods by notifyingthe commissioner of such intent and payment of a $50 continuation fee. Suchcertificate shall be issued or continued by the commissioner to anadministratorunless the commissioner after due notice and hearing shall have determinedthat the administrator is not competent, trustworthy, financially responsibleor of good personal and business reputation, or has had a previous applicationfor an insurance license denied for cause within five years.
Hearings under this section shall be conducted in accordance with theprovisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act.
History: L. 1978, ch. 174, § 10;L. 1988, ch. 356, § 126; July 1, 1989.