40-22a08. Same; examination by commissioner; expenses.


Chapter 40.--INSURANCE

      40-22a08.   Same; examination by commissioner;expenses.Whenever the insurance commissioner deems it to be prudent forthebenefit of the insureds, health care providers or insurers, the commissioner orany person designated by the commissioner may visit and examine the affairs ofany utilization review organization to determine if the organization is incompliance with this act or rules and regulations adopted under this act ororders issued by the commissioner pursuant to such act or rules andregulations.

      Any person or entity examined pursuant to the provisions of this sectionshall pay the reasonable and proper charges incurred for such examination,including the actual expenses of the insurance commissioner or the expenses andcompensation of the commissioner's authorized representative and the expensesand compensation of assistants and examiners employed therein.

      History:   L. 1994, ch. 238, § 8; July 1.