39-7,112. Implementation of managed care system to provide medicaid services; contracts; areas of state selected for implementation; waivers; managed care implementation committee; reports; managed ca
39-7,112. Implementation of managed care system to provide medicaidservices; contracts; areas of state selected for implementation; waivers;managed care implementation committee; reports; managed care project atuniversity of Kansas medical center terminated.(a) Subject to applicable federal guidelines and regulations,the provisionsof appropriations acts and the provisions of this section, the secretary ofsocial and rehabilitation services shall, consistent with guidelines developedby the managed care implementationcommittee established under subsection (d),negotiate and enter into contractswith one or more service providers to implement a managed caresystem in accordance with this section to providemedicaid services for Kansasmedicaid-eligible residentswhich may utilize capitation and other reimbursement methodologies. No contract entered into under this section shallbe subject to thecompetitive bid requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739, and amendments thereto. Theservices to be provided for such residents under the contracts shallbe provided through a system of managed care as specified in the contracts.
(b) The implementation of the managed care system shall becommenced on orbefore July 1, 1995, for the population of Kansas medicaid-eligible residentswho are recipients of aid to families with dependent children or who arechildren or pregnant women in one or more areas of the state selected by thesecretary of social and rehabilitation services. The areas of the statecovered by the capitated managed caresystem shall be expanded in phases so that it is implemented for suchpopulation of Kansas medicaid-eligible residents throughout the state on orbefore June 30, 1997. If the secretary of social and rehabilitation servicesdetermines that implementing a managed care system is not feasible incertain areas of the state, the secretary shall design and implement analternative managed care system for such areas for such population of Kansasmedicaid-eligible residents for the initial implementation on or before July 1,1995, and for the expansion in phases throughout the state on or before June30, 1997.
(c) If the secretary of social and rehabilitation services determines thatwaivers from program or other requirements of the federal government are neededto carry out the provisions of this section and to maximize federal matchingand other funds with respect to the managed care system under thissection, the secretary shall apply to the federal department of health andhuman services, or other appropriate federal agency, for such waivers. If thesecretary determines that waivers areneeded, the managed care system under this section shall not commenceuntil such waivers are granted by the appropriate federal agency.
(d) The secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall appoint amanaged care implementation committee under K.S.A. 75-5313, and amendmentsthereto,of not less than 15 members to advise the secretary on matters relating to theimplementation ofthe managed care system under this section. The membership of the managed careimplementationcommittee shall be composedof one member nominated by Kansas legal services; 1/2 of the members, otherthan the member nominated by Kansas legal services, shall beacute care medicaid providers experienced in managed careappointed from nominees submitted by acute care medicaid providers;and1/2 of the members, other than the member nominated by Kansas legal services,shall berepresentatives of the departmentof social and rehabilitation servicesand representatives of the private sector as the secretary of social andrehabilitation services may specify. Private sector representatives shallinclude persons who are experienced in the area of managed care and persons whoare representatives of the populations served or advocacy groups. The managedcare implementation committee shall makefindings and recommendations concerning the managed care system establishedunderthis section and shall report such findings and recommendations to thelegislative coordinating council, or to a special committee appointed by thecouncil for such purpose and such other purposes as may be prescribed by thelegislative coordinating council, and to appropriate standing and jointcommittees ofthe legislature on orbefore the commencement of the 1995 regular legislative session.Members of the managed care implementation committee shall not be paidcompensation,but shall receive subsistenceallowances, mileage or other expenses as authorized by K.S.A. 75-5313, andamendments thereto, forattending meetings, or subcommittee meetings, of the managed careimplementation committee.
(e) The secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall make periodicreports of implementation plans and progress regarding the implementation ofthe managed care system under this section, to the managed care implementationcommittee, appropriate standing committees and joint committees of thelegislature, and to the legislative coordinating council or to any specialcommittee that is appointed by the legislative coordinating council for thispurpose and such other purposes as may be prescribed by the council.
(f) The managed care project at the university of Kansas medical centerfinanced by appropriation act of the 1993 regular session of the legislature ishereby terminated and no expenditures shall be made therefor.
History: L. 1994, ch. 287, § 1; July 1.